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From closed categories to closed multicategories

In document 2. Closed categories (Stránka 31-45)

In this section we prove our main result.

5.1. Theorem.The Cat-functor U :ClMulticatu →ClCat is a Cat-equivalence.

We have to prove that U is bijective on 1-morphisms and 2-morphisms, and that it is essentially surjective; the latter means that for each closed category V there is a closed multicategory with a unit object such that its underlying closed category is isomorphic (as a closed category) to V.

5.2. The surjectivity of U on 1-morphismsLetCand Dbe closed multicategories with unit objects. Denote their underlying closed categories by the same symbols. Let Φ = (φ,φ, φˆ 0) : C → D be a closed functor. We are going to define a multifunctor

F : C→ Dwhose underlying closed functor is Φ. Define F X =φX, for each X ∈ ObC. For each Y ∈ObC, the map F;Y :C(;Y)→D(;φY) is defined via the diagram

C(;Y) D(;φY)

C(1;Y) D(φ1;φY) D(1;φY)


C(u;1) D(u;1)

φ D0;1)

Recall that for a morphism f : ()→Y we denote by f :1→Y a unique morphism such that u·f =f. Then the commutativity in the above diagram means that

F f =

()−→u 1 φ

−→0 φ1−−→φ(f) φY

, (5.1)

for each f : ()→Y. For n≥1 and X1, . . . , Xn, Y ∈ObC, the map FX1,...,Xn;Y :C(X1, . . . , Xn;Y)→D(φX1, . . . , φXn;φY) is defined inductively by requesting the commutativity in the diagram

C(X2, . . . , Xn;C(X1;Y)) D(φX2, . . . , φXn;φC(X1;Y))

D(φX2, . . . , φXn;D(φX1;φY))

C(X1, . . . , Xn;Y) D(φX1, . . . , φXn;φY)



D(1; ˆφ)




5.3. Lemma.The following diagram commutes

C(;C(X;Y)) D(;φC(X;Y)) D(;D(φX;φY))

C(X;Y) D(φX;φY)

F;C(X;Y) D(; ˆφ)

ϕC ϕD


In particular, FX;YX,Y :C(X;Y)→D(φX;φY).

Proof.Equivalently, the exterior of the diagram

C(;C(X;Y)) D(;φC(X;Y)) D(;D(φX;φY))

C(1;C(X;Y)) D(φ1;φC(X;Y)) D(1;φC(X;Y)) D(1;D(φX;φY))

C(X;Y) D(φX;φY)

F;C(X;Y) D(; ˆφ)


D(u;1) D(u;1)

φ D0;1) D(1; ˆφ)

γ γ


C)−1 D)−1

commutes. The upper pentagon is the definition of F;C(X;Y). The bottom hexagon com-mutes. Indeed, taking f ∈C(X;Y) and tracing it along the left-top path yields

φ0·φ(jX)·φC(1;f)·φˆ=φ0·φ(jX)·φˆ·D(1;φ(f)) (naturality of ˆφ)

=jφX ·D(1;φ(f)), (axiom CF1) which is precisely the image of f along the bottom-right path.

5.4. Lemma.For each f : () →Y and Z ∈ObC, the diagram φC(Y;Z) φC(;Z) φZ

D(φY;φZ) D(;φZ) φZ



D(F f;1)


Proof.By definition,

F f =

()−→u 1−→φ0 φ1−−→φ(f) φY . The diagram

φC(Y;Z) φC(1;Z) φC(;Z) φZ

D(φY;φZ) D(φ1;φZ) D(;φZ) φZ

φC(f;1) φC(u;1)

φˆ φˆ

D(φ(f);1) D(u·φ0;1) φC(f;1)

D(F f;1)

commutes. Indeed, the left square commutes by the naturality of ˆφ, while the commuta-tivity of the right square is a consequence of the axiom CF2, see (4.1).

With the notation of Lemma 3.14, we can rewrite the commutativity condition in diagram (5.2) as a recursive formula for the multigraph morphism F:

F f =ϕD(F((ϕC)−1(f))·φ) =ˆ ϕD(Fhfi ·φ),ˆ for each f :X1, . . . , Xn →Y with n≥1, or equivalently

hF fi=

φX2, . . . , φXn Fhfi

−−→φC(X1;Y)−→φˆ D(φX1;φY)

. (5.3)

5.5. Lemma.For each X, Y, Z ∈ObC, the diagram

φC(X;Y), φC(Y;Z) φC(X;Z)

D(φX;φY),D(φY;φZ) D(φX;φZ)

F µC

φ,ˆφˆ φˆ



Proof.It suffices to prove the equation

hF µC·φiˆ =h( ˆφ,φ)ˆ ·µDi.

By Lemma 3.14,(c), the left hand side is equal to

φC(Y;Z)−−−→hF µCi D(φC(X;Y);φC(X;Z))−−−→D(1; ˆφ) D(φC(X;Y);D(φX;φZ)), while the right hand side is equal to

φC(Y;Z)−→φˆ D(φY;φZ)−−→Di D(D(φX;φY);D(φY;φZ))−−−→D( ˆφ;1) D(φC(X;Y);D(φX;φZ)) by Lemma 3.14,(b). Note that hµDi= (ϕD)−1D) =LφX. Furthermore, by (5.3),

hF µCi=

φC(Y;Z)−−−→φhµCi φC(C(X;Y);C(X;Z))−→φˆ D(φC(X;Y);φC(X;Z))


φC(Y;Z)−−→φLX φC(C(X;Y);C(X;Z))−→φˆ D(φC(X;Y);φC(X;Z)) , therefore the equation in question is simply the axiom CF3.

5.6. Proposition. The multigraph morphism F : C → D is a multifunctor, and its underlying closed functor is Φ.

Proof.Trivially, F preserves identities since so does φ. Let us prove that F preserves composition. The proof is in three steps.

5.7. Lemma.F preserves composition of the form X1, . . . , Xk


→Y −→g Z.

Proof. The proof is by induction on k. There is nothing to prove in the case k = 1.

Suppose that k = 0 and we are given composable morphisms ()−→f X −→g Y.

Then since u·f g = f · g = (u ·f) ·g = u·(f ·g), it follows that f·g = f ·g. By formula (5.1),

F(f ·g) =u·φ0·φ(f·g) = u·φ0·φ(f ·g) =u·φ0·φ(f)·φ(g) =F f·F g.

Suppose that k >1. Then

hF(f·g)i=Fhf·gi ·φˆ (formula (5.3))

=F(hfi ·C(1;g))·φˆ (Lemma 3.14,(c))

=Fhfi ·φC(1;g)·φˆ (induction hypothesis)

=Fhfi ·φˆ·D(1;φ(g)) (naturality of ˆφ)

=hF fi ·D(1;F g) (formula (5.3))

=hF f·F gi, (Lemma 3.14,(c)) and induction goes through.

5.8. Lemma.F preserves composition of the form

X11, . . . , X1k1, X21, . . . , X2k2 −−−→f1,f2 Y1, Y2 −→g Z


Proof.The proof is by induction on k1. If k1 = 0, then by Lemma 3.14,(a), (f1, f2)·g =

X21, . . . , X2k2f2 Y2

−→hgi C(Y1;Z)−−−−→C(f1;1) C(;Z) =Z , therefore

F((f1, f2)·g) =F f2·φhgi ·φC(f1; 1) (Lemma 5.7)

=F f2·φhgi ·φˆ·D(φ(f1); 1) (Lemma 5.4)

=F f2· hF gi ·D(F f1; 1) (formula (5.3))

= (F f1, F f2)·F g. (Lemma 3.14,(a)) If k1 = 1, then by Lemma 3.14,(b),

h(f1, f2)·gi=

X21, . . . , X2k2f2 Y2

−→hgi C(Y1;Z)−−−−→C(f1;1) C(X11;Z) ,


hF((f1, f2)·g)i=Fh(f1, f2)·gi ·φˆ (formula (5.3))

=F f2 ·φhgi ·φC(f1; 1)·φˆ (Lemma 5.7)

=F f2 ·φhgi ·φˆ·D(φ(f1); 1) (naturality of ˆφ)

=F f2 · hF gi ·D(F f1; 1) (formula (5.3))

=h(F f1, F f2)·F gi, (Lemma 3.14,(b))

and henceF((f1, f2)·g) = (F f1, F f2)·F g. Suppose thatk1 >1. Then by Lemma 3.14,(c) h(f1, f2)·gi is equal to the composite

X12, . . . , X1k1, X21, . . . , X2k2 −−−−→hf1i,f2 C(X11;Y1), Y2 1,hgi

−−→C(X11;Y1),C(Y1;Z)−→µC C(X11;Z), therefore

hF((f1, f2)·g)i=Fh(f1, f2)·gi ·φˆ (formula (5.3))

= (Fhf1i, F f2)·F((1,hgi)µC)·φˆ (induction hypothesis)

= (Fhf1i, F f2)·(1, Fhgi)·F µC·φˆ (casek1 = 1)

= (Fhf1i, F f2)·(1, Fhgi)·( ˆφ,φ)ˆ ·µD (Lemma 5.5)

= (Fhf1i ·φ, F fˆ 2)·(1, Fhgi ·φ)ˆ ·µD

= (hF f1i, F f2)·(1,hF gi)·µD (formula (5.3))

=h(F f1, F f2)·F gi, (Lemma 3.14,(c)) hence F((f1, f2)·g) = (F f1, F f2)·F g, and the lemma is proven.

5.9. Lemma.F preserves composition of the form

X11, . . . , X1k1, . . . , Xn1, . . . , Xnkn −−−−→f1,...,fn Y1, . . . , Yn


→Z. (5.4)

Proof.The proof is by induction on n, and for a fixed n by induction on k1. We have worked out the cases n = 1 andn = 2 explicitly in Lemmas 5.7 and 5.8. Assume that F preserves an arbitrary composition of the form

U11, . . . , U1l1, . . . , Un−11 , . . . , Un−1ln−1 −−−−−−→p1,...,pn−1 V1, . . . , Vn−1



and suppose we are given composite (5.4). We do induction on k1. If k1 = 0, then by Lemma 3.14,(a) (f1, . . . , fn)·g is equal to the composite

X21, . . . , X2k2, . . . , Xn1, . . . , Xnkn −−−−→f2,...,fn Y2, . . . , Yn

−→hgi C(Y1;Z)−−−−→C(f1;1) C(;Z) =Z,


F((f1, . . . , fn)·g) = (F f2, . . . , F fn)·F(hgi ·C(f1; 1)) (induction hypothesis)

= (F f2, . . . , F fn)·(Fhgi ·φC(f1; 1)) (Lemma 5.7)

= (F f2, . . . , F fn)·(Fhgi ·φˆ·D(φ(f1); 1)) (Lemma 5.4)

= (F f2, . . . , F fn)·(hF gi ·D(F f1; 1)) (formula (5.3))

= (F f1, . . . , F fn)·F g. (Lemma 3.14,(a))

Suppose thatk1 = 1. Then by Lemma 3.14,(b) h(f1, . . . , fn)·gi is equal to the composite X21, . . . , X2k2, . . . , Xn1, . . . , Xnkn −−−−→f2,...,fn Y2, . . . , Yn

−→hgi C(Y1;Z)−−−−→C(f1;1) C(X11;Z), therefore

hF((f1, . . . , fn)·g)i=Fh(f1, . . . , fn)·gi ·φˆ (formula (5.3))

= (F f2, . . . , F fn)·F(hgi ·C(f1; 1))·φˆ (induction hypothesis)

= (F f2, . . . , F fn)·Fhgi ·φC(f1; 1)·φˆ (Lemma 5.7)

= (F f2, . . . , F fn)·Fhgi ·φˆ·D(φ(f1); 1) (naturality of ˆφ)

= (F f2, . . . , F fn)· hF gi ·D(F f1; 1) (formula (5.3))

=h(F f1, . . . , F fn)·F gi, (Lemma 3.14,(b))

and hence F((f1, . . . , fn) · g) = (F f1, . . . , F fn) · F g. Suppose that k1 > 1, then by Lemma 3.14,(c) h(f1, . . . , fn)·gi is equal to the composite

X12, . . . , X1k1, X21, . . . , X2k2, . . . , Xn1, . . . , Xnkn −−−−−−−→hf1i,f2,...,fn C(X11;Y1), Y2, . . . , Yn 1,hgi



−−−−−−−→C(X11;Z), therefore

hF((f1, . . . , fn)·g)i=Fh(f1, . . . , fn)·gi ·φˆ (formula (5.3))

= (Fhf1i, F f2, . . . , F fn)·F((1,hgi)µC)·φˆ (induction hypothesis)

= (Fhf1i, F f2, . . . , F fn)·(1, F[g])·F µC·φˆ (Lemma 5.8)

= (Fhf1i, F f2, . . . , F fn)·(1, Fhgi)·( ˆφ,φ)ˆ ·µD (Lemma 5.5)

= (Fhf1i ·φ, F fˆ 2, . . . , F fn)·(1, Fhgi ·φ)ˆ ·µD

= (hF f1i, F f2, . . . , F fn)·(1,hF gi)·µD (formula (5.3))

=h(F f1, . . . , F fn)·F gi, (Lemma 3.14,(c)) hence F((f1, . . . , fn)·g) = (F f1, . . . , F fn)·F g, and induction goes through.

Thus we have proven that F : C → D is a multifunctor. By construction, its un-derlying functor is φ. Furthermore, the closing transformation FX;Y coincides with φˆX,Y : φC(X;Y) → D(φX;φY). Indeed, we first observe that FX,Y = hF evCi, where closed functor is Φ. The proposition is proven.

5.10. The injectivity of U on 1-morphisms The following proposition shows that the Cat-functor U is injective on 1-morphisms.

5.11. Proposition. Let F, G : C → D be multifunctors between closed multicategories with unit objects. Suppose that F and G induce the same closed functor Φ = (φ,φ, φˆ 0) between the underlying closed categories. Then F =G.

Proof. By assumption, the underlying functors of the multifunctors F and G are the same and are equal to the functor φ. Let us prove that F f = Gf, for each f : X1, . . . , Xn → Y. The proof is by induction on n. There is nothing to prove if n = 1.

Suppose thatn = 0, i.e.,f is a morphism ()→Y. Then since F and Gare multifunctors, F f =F(u·f) =F u·F f , Gf =G(u·f) =Gu·Gf .

Since F and G coincide on morphisms with one source object, it follows that F f =Gf. Furthermore,

hence F f =Gf. The induction step follows from the commutative diagram C(X2, . . . , Xn;C(X1;Y)) D(φX2, . . . , φXn;φC(X1;Y))

and a similar diagram for G, which are particular cases of Proposition 3.20.

5.12. The bijectivity of U on 2-morphismsThe following proposition implies that U is bijective on 2-morphisms.

5.13. Proposition. Let F, G : C → D be multifunctors between closed multicategories with unit objects. Denote by Φ = (φ,φ, φˆ 0) and Ψ = (ψ,ψ, ψˆ 0) the corresponding closed functors. Let r: Φ→Ψbe a closed natural transformation. Thenr is also a multinatural transformation F →G:C→D.

Proof.We must prove that, for each f :X1, . . . , Xn→Y, the equation F f·rY = (rX1, . . . , rXn)·Gf

holds true. The proof is by induction onn. Suppose thatn= 0, and thatf is a morphism ()→Y. The axiom CN1

1 φ

−→0 F1−r1 G1

0 implies

()−→F u F1−r1 G1


It follows that

F f ·rY =F u·F f·rY =F u·r1·Gf =Gu·Gf =Gf,

where the second equality is due to the naturality of r. There is nothing to prove in the case n = 1. Suppose that n >1. It suffices to prove that

hF f·rYi=h(rX1, . . . , rXn)·Gfi:F X2, . . . , F Xn→D(F X1;GY).

By Lemma 3.14,(c), the left hand side expands out as hF fi · D(1;rY), which by for-mula (5.3) is equal to Fhfi ·φˆ·D(1;rY). By Lemma 3.14,(b), the right hand side of the equation in question is equal to (rX2, . . . , rXn)· hGfi ·D(rX1; 1), which by formula (5.3) is equal to (rX2, . . . , rXn)·Ghfi ·ψˆ·D(rX1; 1). By the induction hypothesis, the latter is equal toFhfi ·rC(X1;Y)·ψˆ·D(rX1; 1). The required equation follows then from the axiom CN2.

5.14. The essential surjectivity of U Let us prove that for each closed categoryV there is a closed multicategory V with a unit object whose underlying closed category is isomorphic to V. First of all, notice that by Theorem 2.19 we may (and we shall) assume in what follows that V is a closed category in the sense of Eilenberg and Kelly; i.e., that V is equipped with a functor V : V → S such that VV(−,−) = V(−,−) : Vop ×V → S and the axiom CC5’ is satisfied. In particular, we can use the whole theory of closed categories developed in [2] without any modifications. We are now going to construct a closed multicategory Vwith a unit object whose underlying closed category is isomorphic toV. The construction is based on ideas of Laplaza’s paper [9].

We begin by recalling that for each object X of the category V one can assign a V-functorLX :V→V, and for eachf ∈VV(X, Y) =V(X, Y) there is a uniqueV-natural

transformation Lf : LY → LX : V → V such that (V(Lf)Y)1Y = f, see Examples 2.13, 2.15, 2.21, or [2, Section 9]. Moreover, by [2, Proposition 9.2] the assignments X 7→LX and f 7→ Lf determine a fully faithful functor from the category Vop to the category V-Cat(V,V) of V-functors V → V and their V-natural transformations. For us it is more convenient to write it as functor from V to V-Cat(V,V)op. Note that the latter category is strict monoidal with the tensor product given by composition of V-functors.

More precisely, the tensor product ofF and Gin the given order isF G=F ·G=G◦F. Consider the multicategory associated withV-Cat(V,V)op (see Example 3.3) and consider its full submulticategory whose objects areV-functorsLX,X ∈ObV. That is, in essence, our V. More precisely, ObV= ObVand

V(X1, . . . , Xn;Y) =V-Cat(V,V)op(LX1 ·. . .·LXn, LY)

=V-Cat(V,V)(LY, LXn◦ · · · ◦LX1).

Identities and composition coincide with those of the multicategory associated with the strict monoidal categoryV-Cat(V,V)op. Note that by Proposition 2.20 there is a bijection

Γ :V(X1, . . . , Xn;Y)→(V ◦LXn◦ · · · ◦LX1)Y, f 7→(V fY)1Y.

5.15. Theorem. The multicategory V is closed and has a unit object. The underlying closed category of V is isomorphic to V.

Proof. First, let us check that the multicategory V is closed. By Proposition 3.9, it suffices to prove that for each pair of objects X and Z there exist an internal Hom-object V(X;Z) and an evaluation morphism evVX;Z :X,V(X;Z)→Z such that the map

ϕ :V(Y1, . . . , Yn;V(X;Z))→V(X, Y1, . . . , Yn;Z), f 7→(1X, f)·evVX;Z,

is bijective, for each sequence of objects Y1, . . . , Yn. We set V(X;Z) = V(X, Z). The evaluation map evVX;Z : X,V(X;Z) → Z is by definition a V-natural transformation LZ →LV(X,Z)◦LX. We define it by requesting (V(evVX;Z)Z)1Z = 1V(X,Z) (we extensively use the representation theorem for V-functors in the form of Proposition 2.20). Let us check that the map ϕ is bijective. Note that the codomain of ϕ identifies via the map Γ with the set (V ◦LYn ◦ · · · ◦LY1 ◦LX)Z, and that the domain of ϕ identifies via Γ with the set

(V ◦LYn◦ · · · ◦LY1)V(X, Z) = (V ◦LYn◦ · · · ◦LY1 ◦LX)Z.

The bijectivity of ϕ follows readily from the diagram

V(Y1, . . . , Yn;V(X;Z)) V(X, Y1, . . . , Yn;Z)

(V ◦LYn◦ · · · ◦LY1 ◦LX)Z



whose commutativity we are going to establish. Take an f ∈V(Y1, . . . , Yn;V(X;Z)), i.e.,

Thus we conclude that Vis a closed multicategory.

Let us check that1∈ObVis a unit object ofV. By definition, a morphismu: ()→1 is a V-natural transformation L1 → Id. We let it be equal to i−1, which is a V-natural transformation by [2, Proposition 8.5]. Then for each object X of V holds

V(u; 1) = (u,1)·evV1;X :V(1;X)→X, i.e., V(u; 1) is the V-natural transformation

LX ev


−−−→1;X LV(1;X)◦L1 L



We claim that it coincides with Li−1X and hence is invertible. Indeed, applying Γ to the above composite we obtain

Let us now describe the underlying closed category of the closed multicategory V. Its objects are those of V, and for each pair of objects X and Y the set of morphisms from X to Y is V(X;Y) = V-Cat(V,V)(LY, LX). The unit object is 1 and the internal Hom-object V(X;Y) coincides with V(X, Y). For each object X, the identity morphism 1VX : () → V(X;X), i.e., a V-natural transformation LV(X,X) → Id, is found from the Applying Γ to both sides we find that


HereV(1VX)V(X,X) :V(V(X, X),V(X, X))→V(X, X). The morphismjX of the underlying closed category of V is a V-natural transformation LV(X,X) → L1; it is found from the equation

LV(X,X) −→jX L1−→u Id

= 1VX. Applying Γ to both sides we obtain


1V(X,X) =V(1VX)V(X,X)1V(X,X), i.e.,

V i−1V(X,X)


= 1X, or equivalently

(V(jX)V(X,X))1V(X,X) = (V iV(X,X))1X =jX,

where the last equality is the axiom CC5’. Therefore, jX = LjX : LV(X,X) → L1. It also follows by construction that iX for the underlying closed category of the closed multicategory V is (V(u; 1))−1 = (Li−1X )−1 =LiX.

Let us compute the morphism LXY Z : V(Y;Z) → V(V(X;Y);V(X;Z)). First note that evVX;Y : X,V(X;Y) → Y is the V-natural transformation LY → LV(X,Y)◦LX with components

(evVX;Y)Z =LXY Z :V(Y, Z)→V(V(X, Y),V(X, Z)).

In other words, evVX;Y =LXY,−. Indeed, applying Γ to both side of the equation in question we obtain an equivalent equation

(V(evVX;Y)Y)1Y = (V LXY Y)1Y.

Since V LX =V(X,−), it follows that (V LXY Y)1Y = 1V(X,Y), so that the above equation is just the definition of evVX;Y.

The morphism LXY Z : V(Y;Z) → V(V(X;Y);V(X;Z)) is uniquely determined by requesting that the diagram

X,V(X;Y),V(Y;Z) X,V(X;Y),V(V(X;Y);V(X;Z))


Y,V(Y;Z) Z

1,1,LXY Z


evVX;Z evVX;Y,1


in the multicategory V, or equivalently the diagram








in the category V-Cat(V,V) commute. Applying Γ to both paths in the latter diagram we obtain

V(LXY Z)V(V(X,Y),V(X,Z))




=V(V(Y, Z),(evVX;Y)Z)(V(evVY;Z)Z)1Z, or equivalently

V(LXY Z)V(V(X,Y),V(X,Z))

1V(V(X,Y),V(X,Z)) = (evVX;Y)Z =LXY Z. In other words, LXY Z for the underlying closed category of V isLLXY Z.

Let us denote the underlying closed category of the multicategory V by the same symbol. There is a closed functor (L,1,1) : V → V, where L : V → V is given by X 7→X, f 7→Lf, and the morphisms V(X, Y)→V(X;Y) and 1→1 are the identities.

The axioms CF1–CF3 follow readily from the above description of the closed category V. Clearly, the functor Lis an isomorphism. The theorem is proven.


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Department of Computer Science

National University of Ireland Maynooth Maynooth, Ireland

Email: manzyuk@gmail.com

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significantly advance the study of categorical algebra or methods, or that make significant new contribu-tions to mathematical science using categorical methods. The scope of the journal includes: all areas of pure category theory, including higher dimensional categories; applications of category theory to algebra, geometry and topology and other areas of mathematics; applications of category theory to computer science, physics and other mathematical sciences; contributions to scientific knowledge that make use of categorical methods.

Articles appearing in the journal have been carefully and critically refereed under the responsibility of members of the Editorial Board. Only papers judged to be both significant and excellent are accepted for publication.

Full text of the journal is freely available in .dvi, Postscript and PDF from the journal’s server at http://www.tac.mta.ca/tac/and by ftp. It is archived electronically and in printed paper format.

Subscription information Individual subscribers receive abstracts of articles by e-mail as they are published. To subscribe, send e-mail totac@mta.caincluding a full name and postal address. For in-stitutional subscription, send enquiries to the Managing Editor, Robert Rosebrugh,rrosebrugh@mta.ca.

Information for authors The typesetting language of the journal is TEX, and LATEX2e strongly encouraged. Articles should be submitted by e-mail directly to a Transmitting Editor. Please obtain detailed information on submission format and style files athttp://www.tac.mta.ca/tac/.

Managing editorRobert Rosebrugh, Mount Allison University: rrosebrugh@mta.ca

TEXnical editorMichael Barr, McGill University: barr@math.mcgill.ca

Assistant TEX editorGavin Seal, Ecole Polytechnique F´ed´erale de Lausanne:

gavin seal@fastmail.fm

Transmitting editors

Clemens Berger, Universit´e de Nice-Sophia Antipolis,cberger@math.unice.fr Richard Blute, Universit´e d’ Ottawa: rblute@uottawa.ca

Lawrence Breen, Universit´e de Paris 13: breen@math.univ-paris13.fr

Ronald Brown, University of North Wales: ronnie.profbrown(at)btinternet.com Valeria de Paiva: valeria.depaiva@gmail.com

Ezra Getzler, Northwestern University: getzler(at)northwestern(dot)edu Kathryn Hess, Ecole Polytechnique F´ed´erale de Lausanne : kathryn.hess@epfl.ch Martin Hyland, University of Cambridge: M.Hyland@dpmms.cam.ac.uk

P. T. Johnstone, University of Cambridge: ptj@dpmms.cam.ac.uk Anders Kock, University of Aarhus: kock@imf.au.dk

Stephen Lack, Macquarie University: steve.lack@mq.edu.au

F. William Lawvere, State University of New York at Buffalo: wlawvere@buffalo.edu Tom Leinster, University of Glasgow,Tom.Leinster@glasgow.ac.uk

Giuseppe Rosolini, Universit`a di Genova: rosolini@disi.unige.it Alex Simpson, University of Edinburgh: Alex.Simpson@ed.ac.uk James Stasheff, University of North Carolina: jds@math.upenn.edu Ross Street, Macquarie University: street@math.mq.edu.au Walter Tholen, York University: tholen@mathstat.yorku.ca Myles Tierney, Rutgers University: tierney@math.rutgers.edu

Robert F. C. Walters, University of Insubria: robert.walters@uninsubria.it R. J. Wood, Dalhousie University: rjwood@mathstat.dal.ca

In document 2. Closed categories (Stránka 31-45)