Impacts of joining the Schengen Treaty on tourism in the Czech Republic
6. Conclusion
In conclusion we can surely state that tourism has changed since the Czech Republic joined the European Union. There are at least three reasons for it. Firstly, the Czech Republic has become more attractive country after accessioning to the EU because this organization is supposed to be symbol of prosperity, security and democracy. Secondly, in 2007 nine new member countries joined the Schengen Treaty and so enlarged the area without border checking. These two aspects have positively influenced the tourism industry in our country. However, there is also one effect which has contributed negatively – the economic crisis.
Due to this we are witnesses of fast changing process in the structure of visitors especially in growing interest of Asian´s tourists. Moreover, the Czech Republic has become a popular destination for foreign workers, next to Ukraine, from Slovakia, Poland, Romania or Bulgaria, despite the fact that two last countries are not part of the Schengen system.
Furthermore, membership in the EU and Schengen system supported the possibilities of students exchange programmes. Since 2004 and 2007 the number of students coming and departing for studies abroad has been increasing every year.
11Aktion is a program for support of mutual cooperation in education and research area between Austria and the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. The program was set up in 1992 however, the huge development has been marked after joining of three countries in the EU. The support is given in two categories: 1) individual – for study and research visits as well as for summer languages schools and 2) institutional – as support of cooperation project among educational institutions [20].
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Mgr. Petr Jeřábek
University of Business in Prague Spálená 14
110 00 Praha 1 Czech Republic
Petr Jeřábek works at the University of Business in Prague as Assistant of Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs. He studied Political Science and International Relations at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and during that time he also completed one-year study internship at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and one-month at the University of Vienna (Austria).