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Sestava 1 - Journal of Tourism and Services


Academic year: 2023

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As a sign of respect for his work, Professor Čapek was awarded a gold plaque from the Business University in Prague. According to Majewski [15], these are "(...) organizations responsible for coordinating and supporting the activities of all the units involved in the marketing of destinations".

DMOs and crisis management: practical examples

In the case of the first research problem, it became evident that crisis management is not "exposed" in the organizational structure of DMOs. Further, the surveyed organizations were asked to rank crisis management in the hierarchy of DMOs' past, present and future activities.


3] Borzyszkowski, J., Organizacje zarządzające destynacjami (DMO) – nowoczesne struktury organizacyjne w turystyce, (w:) Nowe wyzwania gospodarki turystycznej na poziomie lokalnym, regionalnym i międzynarodowym, wyd. 5] Borzyszkowski, J., Marczak, M., Organizacje zarządzające destynacjami przed kryzysem, (w:) Konferencja na temat turystyki międzynarodowej – zachowania międzykulturowe, Erhvervsakademiet Lillebælt, Tietgen Skolen (Tietgen Business College), Odense (Dania) 2012, s. .

Tourism Seasonality: A Complementary Approach

  • Introduction
  • Statistical sources on tourism in Italy
  • The economic dimension of tourism
  • Tourist flows and economic dimension: a comparison

The purpose of the survey is to uncover the number of trips and their most important ones. The study on the "capacity of the accommodation facilities" is an overall study that is carried out on an annual basis.

Table 1 Some characteristics of the surveys used for comparison
Table 1 Some characteristics of the surveys used for comparison

Corporate Social Responsibility as

  • Corporate Social Responsibility – A definition
  • Corporate Social Responsibility – Multinational
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Tourism
  • Corporate Social Responsibility in the Czech Republic
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and the Tourism Industry in the Czech Republic
  • Conclusion

In this paper, the author defines corporate social responsibility and explores its scope in the tourism industry in the Czech Republic. Before we start discussing CSR in the Czech Republic and in tourism, we should start with a very precise definition of CSR. The country's cooperation with international organizations, especially the ILO and the OECD, helps to promote corporate social responsibility in the Czech Republic.

BLF has conducted a number of CSR studies among companies active in the Czech Republic. The area of ​​CSR in the tourism sector in the Czech Republic has not been explored in detail. These results are consistent with the research conducted by BLF in the Czech Republic in 2008.

Ethical-moral reasons most motivate service providers to implement CSR activities in the Czech business environment. National Public Policy in the European Union, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, ISBN.

Table 1 Question 1 and Question 2 – results
Table 1 Question 1 and Question 2 – results

National Knowledge Air Transportation Se- curity Centre and its Relation to Other Tran-

  • Security measures taken after terrorist act on September 11 th 2001 year
  • Security measurements accepted by other transport modes The bomb attack at the Bologna railway station in 1980, the chemical
  • National knowledge centre role and possibilities
  • Conclusion

Very effective technologies for detecting explosives during security controls will soon be available. The significant logistics problems of the last decade can be categorized into supply chain security as such. The measures taken in the area of ​​traffic safety were modeled after procedures in air transport and were also implemented in other modes of transport.

According to terrorism expert Brian Michael Jenkins of the Mineta Transportation Institute as high-speed rail (HSR) planning in the US. In the field of logistics chain security and especially in the field of container security, there are many government and non-governmental programs. The article presents fundamental problems related to the solution of air transport security and the newly realized or assumed technological solutions.

6] Maurillo Donna R.: High-speed rail in the US: will it be a more attractive terror target than interurban rail? He is also coordinator (responsible for the EU institutions) of the Transatlantic Dual Masters Degree Program under the EU-US programme.

Graph 1 Jet civilian transport airplane crash overview [3]
Graph 1 Jet civilian transport airplane crash overview [3]

Book Reviews

In conclusion, I can say that publication is worth the attention of students, employees of the tourism sector, as well as other experts and people interested in this theme, because it reflects the actual vision of the adaptation and concept of the tourism sector in the Czech Code.

Kateřina Brožová, Carlos Ferrer Penaranda (2009) Aventura 1

It is not an easy choice, as the quality of existing books is generally very high. This work was created by both Czech and Spanish language teachers and was created taking into account the characteristics and needs of Czech language learners. These students do not live in Spain or any Latin American country, and they all use the Czech language as their language. means of communication within and outside the classroom. One of the advantages of Aventura1 is that it is relatively new and has not been used widely as Nuevo Ven in secondary or adult education.

One of the advantages of this book is that the textbook, project book, and work and audio CDs are all together in the same book. Some of the exercises pay particular attention to grammar and the use of Spanish questions and help students become familiar with traditional difficult features such as the use and differences between "ser, estar, hay", others are focused on pronunciation and phonetic difficulties, which most check have. when you learn Spanish. This means that the difficulty of pronunciation of the activities offered must be a bit higher than, for example, native English speakers.

In former textbooks as Nuevo Ven, both verbs are avoided, one because of the dialectical variety of certain regions of Spain, the other because it is not used in Latin America with this meaning. Reading comprehension activities included are particularly useful as they are specially designed to make learners come across grammar structures and vocabulary issues of each lesson, but they are also well planned to provide students with interesting knowledge of the C2, cities, monuments, cultural issues that where not easy to find or could not be found at all in former textbooks.

Industry News

According to the evaluation of the Erasmus program for the academic year 2011/2012, the University of Business in Prague is ranked 6th in terms of most activities. The Business University was ranked 6th out of a total of 30 participating schools together with the Police Academy of the Czech Republic. In the second paper, entitled The concept of pedagogical training during the preparation of future teachers, the issue of professional training of teachers who teach technical and economic subjects at vocational secondary schools was discussed.

BA School of Business and Finance is one of the leading, self-financing business schools in Latvia. The BA School of Business and Finance offers full cycle 14 higher education at all levels - first level higher education, bachelor's, master's and PhD programs focusing on the niche financial education and business management. Vaclav Klaus, CSc., Dr.h.c., the former president of the Czech Republic and a leading figure in the modern liberal-conservative think tank (Institute Vaclav Klaus), gave a lecture at the Business University in Prague on Wednesday, November 6, 2013.

Based on previous communication and on the Memorandum of Understanding signed in November last year, the Rector of the University of Business in Prague, prof. In November 2013, Vladimír Tomšík, Vice Governor of the Czech National Bank, made his speech Interventions: Safety Measures against Deflation and Recess at University of Business in Prague.

Press Releases

Ministers Commit to Continue Working to Improve Visa Facilitation

Clear progress has been made in visa facilitation in recent years, particularly among the G20 economies,” said UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai. Improvements in visa facilitation among the G20 economies include externalization of the visa application process to reduce waiting times and increase capacity, more capacity at consulates as well as the opening of new consulates, especially in key growth markets, multiple-entry visas and visa waivers for transit passengers. Report: The impact of visa facilitation on job creation in the G20 economies The impact of visa facilitation in APEC economies.

The cooperation agreement will build on the action plan of the Libyan Ministry of Tourism for the sustainable development of tourism with the support of the public and private sectors. Tourism can play an important role in the preservation, conservation and promotion of cultural and natural assets, and this agreement further strengthens our ability to integrate the principles of sustainable tourism into the protection of world heritage." International tourist arrivals increased by 5% in the first nine months of the year to a record high 845 million worldwide, an estimated 41 million more than the same period in 2012.

The positive trend recorded in the number of international tourist arrivals is reflected in the international tourism receipts reported by destinations around the world for the first six to ten months of the year. Exponential growth in outbound spending by China and Russia Among the top ten source markets, the Russian Federation led growth, with spending on foreign travel increasing 29% in the first nine months of the year.

Professor Vratislav Čapek´s 90 th Anniversary

Professor Čapek was also a pioneer in promoting the active education of senior citizens and was the inspiration for the founding of the University of Prague 8. In his long-term research, he focused on pursuing the problems of general history of the new century and on English and American history in particular. Since the 1990s, he has also been engaged in in-depth studies of Czech history of the 18th and 19th centuries.

However, the main concern of Professor Čapek's research has always been questions of history didactics. He has been one of the prominent personalities associated with new methodological approaches and new scientific concepts, and especially with their implementation in schools. He undoubtedly represents one of the outstanding personalities associated with new methodological approaches and new scientific conceptions, as well as with their implementation and application in education.

Its basic mission is to solve the pedagogical dimension of historical process and to clarify the questions about the didactic history methodology as an independent field. He has also begun to deal with entirely new forms of education based on modern technical aids and appliances and on the changes of the whole process of acquiring and implementing abilities and skills as an integral part of experience.

Guidelines for Authors

  • Essays and Analytical Papers
  • Brief description of Author/Authors
  • Reviews of Existing Work or Short Essays
  • Research Notes
  • Industry News

The heading of each subsection should be written in 11 pt, bold, Times New Roman, left justified. Use 12 pt Times New Roman for subsection text. Leave 2 blank lines between consecutive subsections and/or subsections. The title of each graph and table should be written in 11 pt, bold, Times New Roman, left aligned.

Under each graph or table the source must be given and must be written in 10 pt. Leave 1 blank line between the graph or table and the source. When citing quotations in the text, write the corresponding number in square brackets and the page number where the quotation can be found [1, p. Where there are three or more authors, only the first's name should appear in the text followed by 'et al.', ie Bruceet al.

Reviews of existing work or short essays intended to stimulate debate should be between 1,000 and 2,000 words. Name the file as follows: author's last name_title of article (White_Tourism Development in Europe).


Table 1 Some characteristics of the surveys used for comparison
Graph 1 Tourist consumption in Italy and abroad and total consumption
Graph 2 Comparison between tourist consumption in Italy of residents at current prices and at constant prices
Graph 3 Consumer price indexes


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