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3D UWB Magnitude-Combined Tomographic Imaging for Biomedical Applications. Algorithm Validation


Academic year: 2022

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3D UWB Magnitude-Combined Tomographic Imaging for Biomedical Applications. Algorithm Validation

Marta GUARDIOLA, Lluís JOFRE, Santiago CAPDEVILA, Sebastián BLANCH, Jordi ROMEU

AntennaLab, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, C/ Jordi Girona 3-4, 08034 Barcelona, Spain

marta.guardiola@tsc.upc.edu, jofre@tsc.upc.edu, scapdevila@tsc.upc.edu, blanch@tsc.upc.edu, romeu@tsc.upc.edu

Abstract. Biomedical microwave imaging is a topic of continuous research for its potential in different areas especially in breast cancer detection. In this paper, 3D UWB Magnitude-Combined tomographic algorithm is assessed for this recurrent application, but also for a more challenging one such as brain stroke detection. With the UWB Magnitude-Combined concept, the algorithm can take advantage of both the efficiency of Fourier Diffraction Theorem-based tomographic formulation and the robustness and image quality improvement provided by a multi-frequency combination.


Tomography, biomedical imaging, microwave imaging, breast cancer, brain stroke, experimental verification.

1. Introduction

Microwave imaging is a topic of intense research for its potential in biomedical applications and especially in breast cancer detection. X-ray mammography is the generally well-established clinical breast imaging technique for preventive screening and cancer treatment.

Other imaging techniques including MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), ultrasounds or PET (positron emission tomography), are recommended for cases where X-ray mammography does not succeed, such as in women with dense breasts or with high cancer risk to avoid exposition to ionizing radiation, as reported in [1]. This, jointly with other concerns, such as the ionizing character of X-ray radiation, its uncomfortable (and even painful) application, motivate the research in complementary or alternative imaging methods exploiting other physical properties of tissues. In this framework, the potential of microwave imaging relies on the capability of microwaves to differentiate among tissues based on the contrast in dielectric properties, which is more important than those exploited by X-ray mammography (the attenuation of waves when passing through the breast structures) [2]. The advantages for its practical clinical usage are significant, including relatively low cost, the use of low-power non- ionizing radiation and patient comfort.

Active microwave imaging relies on obtaining information about a target from the scattered fields measured at a number of probes, when the target is illuminated with an incident field. This inverse scattering problem can be addressed either by radar-based techniques (refer to [3] for a review of UWB radar methods) or tomographic methods. Tomographic approaches try to solve the non-linear and ill-posed inverse scattering problem, by either linearizing it or iteratively approaching the solution. Many research groups are focused on iterative algorithms to obtain quantitative reconstructions of the dielectric properties of the target. Those are compu- tationally intensive, above all for 3D reconstructions, and usually contain some regularization scheme that requires a priori information about the target, having a direct influence into the algorithm convergence [4]. A number of different methods and optimization schemes have been proposed, [5]-[7], reporting useful 3D reconstructions of numerical models, phantoms and first 2D measurements on real patients [8]. However more research towards increasing computational efficiently of the algorithms is needed for a real time imaging. This opens the door to less computationally heavy algorithms as the ones based on linearizing approximations.

Linearizing approximations, on which the method proposed here is partially based, allow to obtain robust reconstructions, in a very efficient way, being however limited to small relatively low-contrast targets to produce quantitative reconstructions [9]. In general, biological organs do not accomplish these requirements, thus, line- arizing methods are restricted to qualitative recon- structions. In [10], useful qualitative images of a trans- versal cut of a human forearm were presented, retrieving clearly the two bones.

The use of multi-frequency information in a con- venient manner has been recognized as an opportunity for linearizing methods to improve the image quality in non- Born scenarios [11]. To this extent, it has not been used in linearized tomography methods due to the well-known frequency-dependent residual phase errors that appear when electrically large and highly contrasted targets are imaged. In the algorithm validated herein, namely 3D UWB Magnitude-Combined (UWB-MC) tomography, an amplitude (phase-less) multi-frequency combination is proposed to overcome this undesired effect [12].


Brain stroke detection is also addressed in this paper to investigate the potentiality of the proposed algorithm in such a challenging application, as proposed previously by [5], [13]. The motivation to explore this case is the difficulty to differentiate the cause of the stroke between a hemorrhage or a blood clot. Both present similar symp- toms, but opposite treatment, which must be given with the maximum promptness. Up to now, the diagnosis relies on bulky imaging methods, such as CT (computed tomography), PET and MRI, which are not available in all medical emergency units. This deficiency may definitely delay or complicate the decision and eventually cause important after-effects.

2. 3D UWB Magnitude-Combined Tomographic Imaging Algorithm

3D UWB Magnitude-Combined tomographic imag- ing, as the name suggests, proposes a compound coherent multi-view image addition, which is typical of the linearized-tomography-based algorithms, followed with a magnitude multi-frequency image combination, in the last step of the algorithm. In this paper a 3D cylindrical geometry, as shown in Fig. 1 is studied. The cylindrical array of both the transmitting and the receiving antennas is composed by , 2 -diameter rings of angularly equispaced antennas. For a given transmitter, situated at , the scattered field is measured at the receiver positions, . This procedure is successively repeated for each transmitter to complete a maximum of acquisitions.

Fig. 1. The target of permittivity , is immersed in a me- dium of permittivity . The measurement cylin- drical array of antennas is composed by rings of antennas of radius , separated a distance ∆. , refers to the position of the transmitting and receiving antennas respectively, and ̂, is the direction of the synthesized plane wave.

The theoretical basis for 3D UWB-MC to obtain the dielectric contrast of the target is as follows. Let , be the dielectric contrast expressed as

, 1 ,


, and being the complex permittivities of the target and the external medium respectively, measured at a particular frequency .

The dielectric contrast can be related to the induced current on the target, , , , by

, , 2 , , ,

2 , , , (2)

where is the total electric field including the scattered and the incident field.

Using the reciprocity theorem (3), one can obtain the induced current on the target, , from the scattered field measured along the antenna

∭ ∭ . (3)

is the electric current on the cylindrical antenna acting as a transmitter which radiates a plane wave electric field, , propagating to a direction ̂ . is the electric current on the target induced by a plane wave incident field pro- pagating along the vector ̂ ( ). , is the scattered field produced by .

When the cylindrical array is composed by linear z- polarized antennas, is also z-directed, therefore, only the z component of the field is needed, thus permitting a scalar formulation.

Under Born approximation (the scattered field is negligible in front of the incident field), the induced current

can be expressed as

, , ≅ 2 , , , =

, , . (4) Then, replacing (4) in (3), a Fourier transform ap- pears, and the spectrum of the contrast profile can be expressed as

, ̂ ̂


, , ,

, , ,

, ;

, ; ̂ , ; ̂ (5)

where , ; is the scattered field measured at a probe positioned at when an antenna placed at is transmitting. , , ; ̂ , represents the amplitude to be applied to a probe situated at , to synthesize a plane wave towards ̂ , and vertical polarization [15] as a com- bination of cylindrical waves emanating from a number of probes.

From (5) it can be derived that for a given frequency, when the object is illuminated with an incident plane wave directed to ̂ , the Fourier transform of the scattered field obtained at a direction ̂ may be translated into the angular spectrum of the dielectric contrast of the target sampled on y


x a

, ; '


E r f r 0T

' , ; '



E r f r0


˛ r f0

, ; 'T

J r f r 0




rR ext( )

˛ f0

 

, , ;ˆ

a pw

E r f r 0 R

 

, , ;ˆ

i pw

E r f r 0 T




the cen sin ang dep fre cha dom


in tran for wa and lim


UW to b and det ima goo of fre ant sys a c obt

8 M.

e surface of a ntered at n , sin ,

gular scans w picted in Fig.

quency of th anges provid main.

Fig. 2. 2D c a sing spect a sph anoth

The multi-f mbining only

C Due to the the z directi nslated as a d r , close to aves may prod

d should be av mited between


This sectio WB-MC tomo

biomedical im d a more cha tection have b The main g aging method od spatial reso a good spatia quencies; how tennas may b stem. Accordi ertain value.

tained using


a sphere of ra

, ̂ , wher cos ,

will fill the sp 2 [14]. In a e incident wa ding more i

cut of the dielect gle transmitter trum of the contr here of radius

her direction of in

frequency com the magnitude




i f


limited exten ion, there is deterioration o the nadir or t duce the degr voided. In ord 45º and 135º.

tion Resu

on gathers th ographic algor maging. To do allenging appl been considere goal in biomed d with the be olution. Using al resolution c wever the att ecome excess ingly, the freq In this case a full wave

,ext Rˆ k0 r

,ext Tˆ k0 r


adius , e ̂ , cos

̂. Thus, pectral domai similar way, ave, the radiu information i

tric spectrum of and incidence rast is sampled o

0, centered at ncidence the sphe

mbination is t e of the multi-

x , in

1 i ext


nt of the meas a truncation of the synthes the zenith. Un radation of th der to prevent .


he preliminary rithm to study o this, breast c

lication, such ed.

dical imaging est sensitivity g microwaves, can be achieve tenuation and sive, leading quency has to

the synthetic simulation so


2 ky



C k 0 r

,ext ˆT ˆR

k0 r r



, sin ,

the success in knowledge by changing us of the sph in the spect

the contrast. For frequency, the on the surface of t , ̂. For ere rotates.

then obtained -view images.

surement surf error, which sized plane wa nacceptable pla he reconstruct

t it , has be

y assessment y its applicabi

cancer detecti h as brain stro g is to develop

, specificity a , the requirem ed by using h d the number

to an unfeasi o be bounded data have be oftware (FEK


 

T rˆR



sive e as

the here tral

r e f r

d by .

(6) face h is

ave ane tion een

of lity ion, oke p an and ment high r of

ible d to een KO)

based betwe eleme the N aliasin diame separa T 90 mm to the The b breast maxim freque tissue results 3D rec cut co with norma be se placed


I consis hemor advan presen paper, approa body in dia the sk

0 20 40 60 80



on the metho een 0.2 - 2 GH ents in the cyli Nyquist spatia ng, resulting eter, compose

ated Δ 1 cm The breast mo m in diameter

chest wall w breast tissue t tissue; see

34 is used to mum power ency dispersiv s are plotted s of 3D UWB construction a ontaining the m

the center o alized contras

en, the imag d at the correc

Fig. 3. (a) Simp layer and to the ch tivity and

In case of b sts of diffe

rrhagic strok ntage of the se nce of blood , a simplified ach to the p (equivalent to ameter compo kin (3 mm of t

0.5 1 1.5

Frequency (GH


od of momen Hz. The numb indrical array al sampling c in 12 r ed by m in the vertic odel consists o r covered by a with a spherica is modeled a Fig. 3(a).

o match the pe transmission ve complex p in Fig. 3(b).

B-MC are pres and Fig. 4(b) c maximum con of the tumor t in permittivi es clearly ind ct position.


(b) plified breast mo d a uniform low-a hest wall with a d conductivity va

brain stroke d erentiating h kes. This ca ensitivity of m

thanks to its d brain mode roblem. It co o the upper pa osed by severa

thickness), the

5 2


0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Conductivity (S/m)


nts, over a fre mber and distri y has been cho criteria in or rings of 2

32 antenna cal direction.

of a hemisphe a 3 mm skin l al tumor of 8 as a uniform An external ermittivities a n inside the

permittivity v In Fig. 4(a) sented. Fig. 4 corresponds to ntrast value, w r. Both figu ities in dB sc ndicate the de

odel composed by adipose breast tis a spherical tumor alues of the mode

detection, the hemorrhagic an be addr microwave ra s high permitt el is consider onsists of a art of the head ral layers corr e skull (2 mm

0.5 1 1.5

Frequency (GHz


quency range ibution of the osen to satisfy rder to avoid 150 mm in as each one erical body of layer attached mm inserted.

m low-adipose medium of and ensure the breast. The values of the and 4(b) the (a) shows the o a horizontal which matches ures plot the cale. As it can etected tumor

y a thin skin ssue attached r. (b) Permit-


e main issue from non- essed taking diation to the tivity. In this red as a first semispherical d) of 180 mm responding to m of thickness)

2 z)

1 2 3 4


e e y d n e f d . e f e e e e e l s e n r

e - g e s t l m o )


and the brain of white mat of thickness) blood inserte dielectric pro are plotted i contrast betw the importan at the curren not able to re about the ta toring is con a solution to tracerebral b cessive meas allows to mo shows the re obtain this reference da emergency u 5 mm. This a second ima By doing so tracked.

Fig. 4. 3 m

n itself. The br tter covered b ). The hemorr ed inside the w operties of the in Fig. 5(a) a ween the succe nt losses of the nt state of deve

etrieve the stro arget. Neverth sidered, seque o obtain reliab blood hemorr surements pro onitor the evo sults of differ reconstructio ata obtained unit having a s

reference mea age presenting o, the stroke c

3D UWB-MC re model. (a) 3D vie

rain includes t by a layer of g

rhage is simu white matter. T

e brain model and 5(b). Du essive layers, e high-water-c elopment, UW oke without u heless, if fun ential differen ble images of rhages. The ovides a low-c olution of the rential 3D UW on, we have when the pa small intracere

asurement has g a bigger hem can be detecte


(b) econstructions of

ew. (b) XY cut.

the two hemis gray matter (2 ulated as a sph The geometric l over the freq ue to the sign

and above all content brain t WB-MC algori sing any assum ctional brain ntial imaging m

the evolution subtraction o contrast scenar hemorrhage.

WB-MC imagi supposed to atient arrives ebral hemorrh s been subtrac morrhage of 1

ed and its evo

the simplified br

spheres 20 mm here of cal and quency nificant l due to tissues, ithm is mption moni- may be n of in- of suc- rio and

Fig. 6 ing. To o have

at the hage of

cted to 10 mm.




3D ure its the tra co me me red pro A do


Fig. 5. (a) S layer whit a sph cond

Fig. 6. 3D v of th

. Experim

The aim o D UWB-MC

ements, rathe elf. The initi e setup shown ansmitting an

nstructing tw eans of a com etry phantoms duce the setu ovided by 2 l

linear positio own; the rotary

0.4 0.6 0

20 40 60 80




( Simplified brain r, the skull, and te matter covered herical blood he ductivity values o

view of the diffe he simplified brain

mental Re

f this section algorithm de r than presen al measureme n in Fig. 7. A

d receiving a wo virtual arra mpound positio

s (around z-ax up complexit linear position oner is used t y stage confer

0.8 1

y (GHz)

Conductivity (S/m)



model compose d the two brain d by a layer of emorrhage. (b) of the model.

ferential UWB-M in model.


is to assess th eal with exp nting the expe

ents have bee A cylindrical s

antennas is a ays moving t oning system.

xis) will be co ty to 3 degr ners and a sin to move the rs the rotation

0.4 0.6 0

0.5 1 1.5 2



ed by a thin skin n hemispheres o

gray matter and Permittivity and

MC reconstruction

he potentiality perimental me erimental sys en obtained w

ampling for b accomplished two antennas

Revolution sy onsidered so a

rees of freed ngle rotary sta phantom up n on one anten

0.8 1

y (GHz)

n f d d


y of eas-

tem with both by s by

ym- as to

dom age.

and nna,

1 2 3 4 5 6



wh oth be is r fin a c sph 2.1 dep 3D any be

wa bee the per bio com rec me of bet Fig me ext imp con we stru sho


Co two and con

0 M.

hile the other her linear pos obtained by t responsible fo ally the whol omputer. The here (

19) fixed with picted in Fig.

D cylindrical m y liquid as ma surrounded by

Fig. 7. Expe perm targe supp

Preliminary ater using the en presented i e phantom con

rmittivity to omedical simu mpared to th constructions easurements an

high permittiv tween 3 – 10 G gs. 8(a) and 8 easured data.

ternal appeara posing horiz ntour of the p ell reconstruct uctures is rep ows the correc


In this pape ombined tomo o well-known d the so-calle nstitute the tw


antenna move sitioner. The

taking advanta or the signal g le procedure c e measured ph

5.5) lodged i h a PVC rod

7. At the curr measurement s atching media

y air.

erimental setup mitting a quasi-cy

et consists of a cla orted by a PVC r

y reconstructi 2D version in [16]. Work nstituents hav reproduce co ulated ones, w he air. More

in terms of nd simulation vity has been GHz has been 8(b) present t

Fig. 8(a) s ance of the p zontal planes paraffin sphere ted, and even presented wi ct detection of


er, the potenti ographic algo n biomedical a ed UWB Ma wo main contri


es up and dow remaining me age of the sym generation an can be remote hantom consist into a paraffin

( 2.9)

rent stage of d system does n a, and hence t

with 3 degre ylindrical scan of ay sphere inside rod.

ions of simpl of UWB-MC king in air as e ve been chosen ontrast ratios while avoiding eover, to obt f spatial reso ns (where a m

employed) a n used in the m

the imaging shows the re phantom comp s at differen

e and the PVC n the transitio

th good accu f the internal s

iality of 3D U orithm has be applications. T agnitude-Com ibutions of thi


wn thanks to easurements c mmetry. A VN nd reception, a

ely controlled ts of a small c n sphere (

from the top, development, not permit to u the phantom w

ees of freedom f the target. The a paraffin sphere

le objects ins C algorithm ha

external medi n considering s similar to g large contra tain compara olution betwe matching medi

frequency ran measurements.

results from econstruction posed by sup nt heights. T C fixing road on between b uracy. Fig. 8 sphere.

UWB Magnitu een assessed The 3D extens mbined techniq

is algorithm. T


the can NA and d by clay , as the use will

m e e

side ave ium g its the asts able een ium nge .

the of per- The

are both 8(b)

ude- for sion que The


propo enhan selecti target

F have b disper UWB structi a parti tissue for ra lineari detect the su extent monit F grees experi phanto results


Fig. 8. (a) Ext reconstru two neste

sed multi-fr nce the robus ive artifacts s.

For the valida been reconstru rsive permittiv -MC algorith ions for the icular case w

and the tumo adar-based alg

ized tomogra tion constitute uccessive loss t, a differentia

or the evolutio Finally a cylin of freedom h imental data oms, showing s.



(b ernal appearanc uction of the expe ed spheres. (b) In

equency com tness of the

and relative ation, simplifie ucted, taking vities and con hm has rep

breast cancer where the con r is low. Whil gorithms [17]

aphy. On the es a more chal sy and highly

al treatment h on of a intrace ndrical measu as been const

have been g robust recon




ce of the 3D erimental measur nternal 3D view.

mbination co final image ely large an ed breast and into account t nductivities o ported satisfa er detection a ontrast betwee le this is a cha ], it is more other hand, allenging appli y-contrasted la has to be used erebral hemor urement syste tructed, and fi n obtained f nstructions and


D UWB-MC rement of the

ontributes to to frequency nd contrasted brain models the frequency of the tissues.

actory recon- application in en the breast allenging case favorable for brain stroke ication due to ayers. To this d, allowing to rrhage.

em with 3 de- first images of for canonical d encouraging


o y d s y . - n

t e r e o s o - f l g



This work was supported in part by Spanish Interministerial Commission on Science and Technology (CICYT) under projects TEC2007-66698-C04-01, TEC2010-20841-C04-02 and CONSOLIDER CSD2008-68 and by the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia through the FPU fellowship program.


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About Authors ...

Marta GUARDIOLA was born in Besalú, Spain, in 1984.

She received the Telecommunication Engineer degree and the European Master of Research on Information and Communication Technologies (MERIT) from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in 2008 and 2009 respectively. Since September 2009 she is pursuing her PhD degree at the Communications Department of the Telecommunication Engineering School at the UPC. Her research interests include microwave imaging algorithms and systems for biomedical applications and UWB antennas.

Lluís JOFRE was born in Canet de Mar, Spain, in 1956.

He received the M.Sc. (Ing) and Ph.D. (Doctor Ing.) degrees in electrical engineering (telecommunication engineering), from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain, in 1978 and 1982, respectively.

From 1979 to 1980, he was a Research Assistant with the Electrophysics Group, UPC, where he worked on the analysis and near field measurement of antennas and scatterers. From 1981 to 1982, he was with the École Supérieure d'Electricité, Paris, France, where he was involved in microwave antenna design and imaging techniques for medical and industrial applications. Since 1982, he has been with the Communications Department, Telecomunication Engineering School, UPC, as an ssociate Professor first and, then, as a Full Professor since 1989.

From 1986 to 1987, he was a Visiting Fulbright Scholar at



the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, where he worked on antennas and electromagnetic imaging and visualization. From 1989 to 1994, he was the Director of the Telecommunication Engineering School, UPC, and from 1994 to 2000, he was the UPC Vice-Rector for Academic Planning. From 2000 to 2001, he was a Visiting Professor at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Henry Samueli School of Engineering, University of California, Irvine. From 2002 to 2004, he was the Director of the Catalan Research Foundation, and since 2003, he has been the Director of the UPC-Telefónica Chair and director of the Promoting Engineering Catalan Program EnginyCAT. He is a member of different Higher Education Evaluation Agencies at Spanish and European level. From December 2011, he is the General Director of Universities in the Economy and Knowledge Council of the Catalan Government. At international level, he is a Fellow of the IEEE Society. He has published more than 100 scientific and technical papers, reports, and chapters in specialized volumes. His research interests include antennas, electromagnetic scattering and imaging, and system miniaturization for wireless and sensing industrial and bio-applications. He has published more than 100 scientific and technical papers, reports and chapters in specialized volumes.

Santiago CAPDEVILA was born in Barcelona, Spain, in 1982. He received the M.Sc. (Ing) degree in Electrical Engineering (Telecommunications eng.) from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in 2006. He is currently a PhD. Candidate at the AntennaLab Group, Signal Theory and Communications Department, UPC. His

research interests include nano-antennas, radio frequency identification, imaging and sensors.

Sebastián BLANCH was born in Barcelona, Spain, in 1961. He received the Ingeniero and Doctor Ingeniero degrees in Telecommunication Engineering, both from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain, in 1989 and 1996, respectively. In 1989, he joined the Electromagnetic and Photonics Engineering Group of the Signal Theory and Communications Department.

Currently, he is Associate Professor at UPC. His research interests are antenna near field measurements, antenna diagnostics, and antenna design.

Jordi ROMEU was born in Barcelona, Spain in 1962. He received the Ingeniero de telecomunicación and Doctor Ingeniero de Telecomunicación, both from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in 1986 and 1991, respectively. In 1985, he joined the Photonic and Electromagnetic Engineering group, Signal theory and Communications Department, UPC. Currently he is Full Professor there, where he is engaged in research in antenna near-field measurements, antenna diagnostics, and antenna design. He was visiting scholar at the Antenna Laboratory, University of California, Los Angeles, in 1999, on a NATO Scientific Program Scholarship, and in 2004 at University of California Irvine. He holds several patents and has published 35 refereed papers in international jounals and 50 conference proceedings. Dr. Romeu was grand winner of the European IT Prize, awarded by the European Commission, for his contributions in the development of fractal antennas in 1998.


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