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Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0499


Academic year: 2022

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Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0499

Název školy Soukromá střední odborná škola Frýdek-Místek, s.r.o.

Název materiálu VY_22_INOVACE_463_AJ_23

Autor Mgr. Taťána BLAHUTOVÁ

Tematický okruh Anglický jazyk

Ročník 3,4 Forma denní

Datum tvorby říjen ’13

Anotace Text slouží k výuce, samostudiu a E-learningu. Celek tvoří základy konverzace, gramatiky a obsahuje také cvičení


MRÁKOTA, Jiří. Maturitní otázky z angličtiny. Severografia a.s., Most: Jirí Mrákota - Vydavatelství jatykové literatury, C.Boudy 514/3,67401 Třebíč, 2004, ISBN 80-902572-9-1.



CANADA – opakování reálií

Každý žák sám testuje své znalosti o Kanadě na PC a výsledky odesílá vyučujicímu AJ na E-mail.

You can show them some places on the map on PC


Show parts of Canada on the map on PC and the capital.

Speak on your own about political system in Canada and the flag. How is CANADA divided?

Talk about geography, transport, nature, cities, climate, population, culture and life style, food, sport, languages, currency and other.


Describe all the way of life in Canada.

Did Canadians like camping?

Which lakes in Canada do you know ?

Describe the picture from PC and tell how is called this places.

What Canadian sports do you know?

What is typical for ice hockey match?

Is capital of Canada Ottawa or Winnipeg?

Are the original inhabitans – Eskimos or Indians?


Did they talk English or French in Canada?

Is Canada the member of the Commonwealth of Nations?And which other nations are the memberes of the Commonwealth of Nations?

Fill in the missing facts.

___CANADA ______________________

Head of state____________________________________-___________________

Native people__________________________________






Head of goverment___________________________________________________________

Write about flora and fauna in CANADA and send information on E-mail English teacher.


Související dokumenty

19) The UK – places of interest, population, division of the UK, cities, languages 20) The Republic of Ireland – national symbols, places of interest, sports 21) Canada –

„period between birth and death.“ - stages of life / year of life/ months of life/ hours or days of life / the beginnings of life/ early life/ mid-life/ adult life/

Talk about the history, member states, institutions, currency, flag, anthem, every day life in EU(travel, work education), culture, life style and other.. When did Czech Republic

Talk about main points from history and life famous peole.Which Kings and Queens do you know.. Maybe tallk about Dukes or warriors, poets, writers and

You and the examiner are going to talk together about Prague and interesting cities in CR.You want to go for a trip in Prague.. Which places of interest do you want

You and the examiner are going to talk together about Prague and interesting cities in CR.You want to go for a trip in Prague.. Which places of interest do you want

Table 2: Results by Criterion 1: Methodical Functions of the Multimedia Presentations in Lessons About the World Around us, Man and Nature, and Man and Society.. Indicators

Science and technology simply re- duce the complex and plural nature of human and social life into biological issues of survival, health, politics of population and birth rate,