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Veřejná příloha23150_fenl00.pdf, 233.9 kB Stáhnout


Academic year: 2022

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中国大学生投资理财影响因素分析 /Analysis of Factors Influencing

Investment and Financial Management of Chinese University Students

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1. 您的性别/Your Gender [单选题]*



2. 您的年龄/Your Age [单选题]*

○18岁以下/Under 18



○26岁及以上/26 and above

3. 您的户籍(以秦岭淮河线分界)/Your Domicile(divided by the Qinling-Huai River line)[单选题]*

○北方/North of China

○南方/South of China

4. 您的年级/You Class Rank [单选题]*

○大学低年级/Freshman and Sophomore

○大学高年级/Junior and Senior



○博士研究生/PhD Student

5. 您的专业分类为/Your Major of Study [单选题]*

○理工类/Science and Engineering

○文史哲类/Literature, History and Philosophy

○经管类/Economics and Business


6. 您平均每月的可支配费用是/Your Average Monthly Disposable Expenses [单 选题]*

○1000元以下/Less Than 1000 CNY

○1000~1500元/1000~1500 CNY

○1501~2000元/1501~2000 CNY

○2001~3000元/2001~3000 CNY

○3000元以上/More Than 3000 CNY

7. 您的家庭年收入范围是/Your Family Annual Income [单选题]*

○10万以下/Less than 100,000 CNY

○10~20万/100,000~200,000 CNY

○20~40万/200,001~400,000 CNY

○40万以上/More than 400,000 CNY

8. 您平常有规划预算和记账的情况吗/Do you usually plan your budget and keep accounts? [单选题]*


○有,但是并未按照预算执行/Yes, but not as plan

○有,并且实际支出与预算基本一致/Yes, and following the plan

9. 您的月生活费平均结余是/Average balance of your monthly living expenses [单 选题]*


○0~100元/0~100 CNY

○101~300元/101~300 CNY

○301~500元/301~500 CNY

○501~1000元/501~1000 CNY

○1000元以上/More than 1000 CNY

10. 您可支配费用的来源是/The sources of your disposable expenses [多选题]*



□投资所得/Investment income

□兼职,工作收入/Part-time, income from work

□其他/Others _________________*

11. 您日常有关注投资理财相关信息吗/Do you pay attention to the information about investment and finance on a daily basis? [单选题]*




12. 您的家庭成员是否有进行投资理财呢/Do your family members participant in investment and financial management? [单选题]*



13. 您身边的亲友的投资理财情况是/How your friends participant in investment and financial management [单选题]*

○没有人进行投资理财/No one

○有1~2人投资理财/1~2 friends

○有3~5人投资理财/3~5 friends


○有6~10人投资理财/6~10 friends

○有10人以上投资理财/More than 10 friends

14. 您的学校是否有相关投资理财的培训课程呢?/Does your school offer training courses on investment finance? [单选题]*



15. 如果您进行投资理财,以下哪项描述最符合您的投资态度/If you invest your money, which of the following descriptions best matches your attitude towards investing? [单选题]*

○不希望本金损失,希望获得稳定回报/Do not want to lose your principle, want a steady return

○不希望本金损失,愿意承担一定幅度的收益波动/Do not wish to lose your principal and are willing to accept a certain amount of fluctuation in returns

○寻求一定的资金收益和成长性,在深思熟虑后愿意承担一定的风险/Looking for a certain level of capital gain and growth and willing to take a certain level of risk after careful consideration

○寻求资金的较高收益和成长性,愿意为此承担有限本金损失/Seeking higher returns and growth for their funds and are willing to take a limited loss of principal to do so

○希望赚取高回报,愿意为此承担较大本金损失/Wants to earn a high return and is willing to take a large loss of capital to do so

16. 您现在是否进行投资理财行为/Are you currently participant in investment and financial management? [单选题]*



17. 目前,您在投资理财方面投入了多少金额/How much money have you invested in your investments so far? [单选题]*

○1000元以下/Less than 1000 CNY

○1000~3000元/1000~3000 CNY

○3001~5000元/3001~5000 CNY


○5001~10000元/5001~10000 CNY

○10000元以上/More than 10000 CNY

18. 您在进行投资理财时考虑的主要因素有哪些/What are the main factors you consider when investing your money? [多选题]*

□预期收益率/Expected rate of return

□潜在风险/Potential risk

□投资周期长短/Length of investment cycle

□转入转出操作便捷性/Ease of transferring in and out operations

□理财产品的资金门槛/Capital threshold of financial products

□其他/Others _________________*

19. 您 进 行 投 资 理 财 的 目 的 是 什 么/What is the purpose of your investment and financial management? [多选题]*

□实现自己资产的保值,增值/Preserve and increase the value of your assets

□锻炼自己的投资理财能力/Exercise your investment and financial management skills

□赚取学费,生活费/Earn money for school and living expenses

□为未来育儿,养老做准备/prepare for future childcare and retirement

□其他/Others _________________*

20. 您参与投资理财多久了/How long have you been participated in investment and financial management? [单选题]*

○半年以下/No longer than 6 months

○半年到一年/6~12 months

○一年到三年/12~36 months

○三年以上/More than 36 months

21. 您 对 于 理 财 产 品 的 计 划 持 有 周 期 为/Your planned holding period for the financial product [单选题]*


○1个月内/Within 1 month

○1~3个月/1~3 months

○3~6个月/3~6 months

○6个月~1年/6~12 months

○1~3年/12~36 months

○3年以上/More than 36 months

22. 您未进行投资理财的原因是/Reasons why you are not investing your money [多选题]*

□对理财产品不了解/Don't know much about financial products

□目前没有理财计划/No current financial plan

□对于平台不信任/No trust in the platform

□恐惧风险/Fear of risk

□没有充足时间进行投资理财/Not enough time to invest money

□收益率过低/Low return rate

□资金不充足/No enough money

□其他/Others _________________*

23. 如果您进行投资理财,您能接受的损失不超过多少/How much loss can you accept if you invest your money? [单选题]*

○不能接受损失/Unacceptable loss

○本金的3%/3% of principal

○本金的5%/5% of principal

○本金的10%/10% of principal

○本金的10%以上/10% of principal or more

24. 如果进行投资理财,您能接受的投资理财产品的门槛资金为多少/If you invest in financial products, what is the threshold amount of money you can accept for investment financial products? [单选题]*


○1元/1 CNY

○500元/500 CNY

○1000元/1000 CNY

○5000元/5000 CNY

○10000元及以上/10000 CNY

25. 目前央行制定的金融机构人民币活期存款利率为0.35%,定期三个月存款利 率为1.10%,定期半年存款利率为1.30%,定期一年为1.50%,定期三年为2.75%, 如果市场上出现相同存款期限的理财产品,该理财产品的同期利率高于规定基准 多 少 ,您 就 会 考虑 进 行 投 资这 个 理 财产 品/The current interest rates set by the Central Bank for RMB demand deposits in financial institutions are 0.35%, 1.10% for three-month fixed deposits, 1.30% for six-month fixed deposits, 1.50% for one-year fixed deposits and 2.75% for three-year fixed deposits. If a financial product with the same deposit term appears in the market, how much higher the interest rate of that financial product for the same period is than the prescribed benchmark, would you consider investing in this financial product [单选题]*

○不投资/No investment in any case





○10%以上/More than 10 %

26. 请 根 据 您 自 身 日 常 的 消 费 行 为 和 心 理 情 况 进 行 答 题/Please answer the questions based on your own daily consumption behavior and psychological profile[矩阵单选题]*

非常不同意 /Strongly


不同意 /Disagree


/Generally 同意/Agree

非常同意 /Strongly



您会因为 商品打折 而购买比 实际需要 更多数量 的产品 /You will buy more products than you actually

need because they are on sale

○ ○ ○ ○ ○

商家的打 折促销等 活动会让 您感到捡 了大便宜 /You'll feel like

you've picked up

a great deal with merchants

' discount sales and

○ ○ ○ ○ ○


other events.

您经常会 因为一些 网络带货 主播而

“种草”某 些非必需 的商品

/You often

"shop" for items you don't need because of online promotio nal live streamer

○ ○ ○ ○ ○

名人代言 的产品会 在同类产 品中有竞 争优势,

您会更愿 意购买/A product endorsed

○ ○ ○ ○ ○


by a famous person/cel ebrity will

have a competiti

ve edge over similar products

and you will be

more likely to

buy it

“双十一” 等促销活 动时,您 会积极参 与购物

/You actively participat

e in shopping

during sales events such as

○ ○ ○ ○ ○


"Double 11"

在“双十 一 ”助力 朋友活动 时,会使 本不想购 物的您去 浏览产品

购物 /When

"Double 11" helps

a friend campaign,

it will make you

who didn't want to shop to browse products

to shop

○ ○ ○ ○ ○





○ ○ ○ ○ ○


或者“知 乎”等娱 乐、新闻、

社交网站 时,会了 解在热搜 的词条内 容/When

you browse entertain

ment, news and

social networkin

g sites such as Weibo, Douban, Xiaohong

shu or Zhihu, you will

learn about the

contents of tags in

"hot trend"


您很喜欢 网络带货 主播的直 播间氛 围,并且 这种氛围 会诱惑您 购买商品 /You like

the atmosphe

re of a online live streamer

and you are tempted

to buy products

○ ○ ○ ○ ○


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