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Health policy could thus possibly further communication on health policies, especially given the current situation. However, this would not be a sustainable and wholesome approach directed at the comprehensive obstacle of the EU. As previously mentioned, the European Union does not merely face obstacles when debating social and health policy issues, the problem extends beyond those policy fields.

The European Union was built for economic and security reasons after the Second World War.

Minor social policy provisions such as the freedom of workers and occupational health and safety were incorporated in the early treaties, but its development was and still is difficult. The UK was a major actor in stopping and hindering several social policy acts and was awarded with an opt-out clause of the Amsterdam Treaty. The UK successfully continued with its interference ever since and was supported by other Member States fearing loss of sovereignty, creating a somewhat opponent ambiance in the European Union with Germany and France as integration advocates and the UK, Hungary and Poland for instance on the other side.

With the UK leaving the European Union, a possibility not only to relaunch negotiations about reforming the European social policy, but also about a treaty reform.

Commission president Ursula von der Leyen declared in her Opening Statement (2019): “I want citizens to have their say at a Conference on the Future of Europe, to start in 2020 and run for 2 years.”98 The outcome of this Conference of Europe however did not favor a treaty reform.

98 Bühler, ‘Conference on the Future of Europe: A Real Chance for Reform, or Just a Guide for Policy-Making? | Heinrich Böll Stiftung | Brussels Office - European Union’, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, accessed 9 December 2021, https://eu.boell.org/en/2021/05/05/conference-future-europe-real-chance-reform-or-just-guide-policy-making.

Nevertheless, after over 14 years and several crises, the European Union is ready for another reform.

A reform providing for competences in the health sector.

A reform transposing its social policy in the treaty basis.

Finally, a reform, prepared to respond today’s challenges.


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List of Appendices
