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Cluster analysis - summary

4. Case study

5.4 Cluster analysis - summary

Regardless of the socio-demographic and economic characteristics all of the countries have had at one point at a time a similar progress of the disease. The main difference between the countries is caused by the fact that the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic comes in waves.

And the timing of the first, second and third wave is different for different countries. The stringency index is not an ideal indicator because it takes a lot of time for it to start making a difference and additionally not all of the governments set stringency measures into effect at the same time of the pandemic progress. Some countries add measures gradually before the number of cases has even started rising, others will implement a total lockdown once the number of cases goes drastically up. The measures also differ in different regions of the country as well as their acceptance by the general society.


The main goal of this thesis was to create a clustering of COVID-19 data. We have successfully created clustering models for the entire world (including both models with four and with eight clusters) and Europe. We have shown the entire process of creating a clustering model including descriptions of each part of code as well as explanation of individual steps taken, libraries used and techniques that were applied. The results were visualized and patterns were explained.

Comparison of COVID-19 with previous pandemics was also done, where we put the current pandemic in perspective by explaining previous pandemics and comparing case fatality rates and reproduction rates. CRISP-DM methodology was used to establish workflow. There is business understanding, which is the value and the goals of analyzing COVID-19 data. The data was cleaned and prepared for modelling. There is also visualization of the data to get a better understanding of it and the attributes we have.

In the theoretical part of the thesis we have explained what knowledge discovery in databases is and the different tasks it can solve. We examined its applications as well as the methods used. All of the techniques used in the practical part of the thesis were explained in the theoretical part.

When working with any sort of data it is necessary to carefully examine it and understand it. Finding patterns is not always straightforward due to the complexity of the data and the field we are examining. There is still a lot that we do not know about COVID-19, and especially as new mutations keep rolling in and some people are already getting vaccinated in some parts of the world, the progress of the pandemic keeps changing every single day.

Even so, the existing code that we have created can be used to create new models using the new data.


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