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50 beliefs, only the ODS instrumentalizes its Euroscepticism in a strategic way, as its low salience in Germany has proven to have a low political value. However, it is furthermore the focus of the criticism itself that differs. Economically speaking, the Germans tend to predominantly criticize Germany’s position as a net contributor in the Eurozone and for its strong involvement in the EU bail outs. In Czechia, this critique rather evolves around the sentiment of not benefitting enough and the fear of rising prices. In terms of culture and identity, the Germans are more preoccupied with the topic of migration, owed to Germany’s role in the refugee crisis.

Although this subject is also important to many Czechs, it is the alleged threat to Czechia’s sovereignty that is a key issue to most Czechs. Considering that Germany has not experienced oppression to the same degree, this distinction appears as natural. In regard to the prioritization of these issues, the Germans overall practice a more identitarian Euroscepticism, while the Czechs focus more on economic problems. These sentiments are increased by the media and the level of education. As the comparison has proven, the Czech population is not only less politically educated, but also more subjected to Eurosceptical media than the German people.

Naturally, this negatively affects the Czech perspective on European affairs. This issue is paired with the irrational phenomenon of proxy support, which projects national mistrust and antagonism on the supranational level – although they are not necessarily related.

Conclusively, this analysis has shed light on how the practice of Euroscepticism differs in Germany and why the Czech Republic is more affected in particular categories. It has moreover stressed the importance of history and on how it continues to affect the perception of the government, the EU and the Czech-German relationship. The detailed depiction of both countries has furthermore highlighted the fact that Euroscepticism itself is a highly subjective phenomenon: Although both countries have significantly benefited from the accession to the EU, their people widely fail to acknowledge that – especially in those regions where change may be existent, but not visible. Now that some of the issues and their origins are identified, more research is required in order to find solutions. Regarding the issues above, this research is ought to shed light on how to minimize the distance between the EU and their member states and on how to reestablish the trust between historic opponents. Apart from these external factors, however, more research is also needed on the influence of internal factors, such as the coping with pre-existing authoritarian regimes and the projection of national problems on a supranational level. As Euroscepticism is becoming increasingly popular, these further investigations appear as essential and may contribute to the upholding of the European idea.


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