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A.3. Future Improvements

Here we describe improvements to these guidelines and the bracketing scheme that we intend to carry out in the future. We noticed these issues during the first pass through the corpus, and all of them require another full pass.

A.3.1 Flat Structures

There are a number of NPs in the Penn Treebank that display genuinely flat struc-ture. For some examples, refer back to Section A.1.2. We would like to distinguish these from the implicitly right-branching structures that make up the majority of the corpus. To do this, we intend to use a marker on the NP, NML, or JJP label itself, as shown:

(NP-FLAT (NNP John) (NNP A.) (NNP Smith) ) (NP

(NML-FLAT (NNP John) (NNP A.) (NNP Smith) ) (NNS apples) )

A.3.2 Appositions

Appositions are a multi-headed structure, similar but still different to coordination.

They are extremely common throughout the Penn Treebank, and usually fit the pattern shown here, with a person’s name and their position separated by a comma:


(NP (NNP Rudolph) (NNP Agnew) ) (, ,)


(NP (JJ former) (NN chairman) ) (PP (IN of)

(NP (NNP Gold) (NNP Fields) (NNP PLC) ) ) ) )

We would like to mark these structures explicitly, so that they can be treated ap-propriately. This raises issues of what is and isn’t an apposition (whether they are truly co-referential), and whether to discriminate between different types.

A.3.3 Head Marking

For some NPs, Collins’s standard head-finding rules do not work correctly. In this example,IBMis the head, butAustraliawould be found.

(NP (NNP IBM) (NNP Australia) )

Marking heads explicitly would require a much larger degree of work, asNPs of length two would be ambiguous. All other annotation described here only needs to look atNPs of length three or more.


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In document Parsing Noun Phrases in the Penn Treebank (Stránka 53-57)