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Experimental Evaluation and Discussion

4.4 Future Work

Integration of the structured exploration scheme from Strategic Attentive Writer into the FeUdal Networks model is a promising direction. We have only tested inserting the noise layer before manager but in Section 3.3 we have presented three more options to where the noise layer could be added.

Furthermore, it is also possible to put the noise layer into the model on multi-ple locations at once. We have shown an undeniable increase in performance only for a scaled-down version of the original model and on a custom

environ-ment, naturally it would be interesting to explore the structured exploration scheme in FeUdal Networks but with a full-sized model and on multiple games in the Atari 2600 domain (which is considered a benchmarking standard in reinforcement learning).

The structured exploration scheme as presented in STRAW [8] draws its inspiration from Variational Auto-Encoders [28], which utilize the noise layer in the middle of the model. The application of noise in Auto-Encoders is based on strong mathematical reasoning. This work’s aim was mainly empiric and even though many things were explained in terms of deeper intuitive concepts, rigorous theoretical reasoning onwhy the structured exploration scheme works well, is beyond the scope of this work. Studying this phenomenon theoretically could potentially bring new insight into the exploration-exploitation dilemma.

In the noise layer, we used a normal distribution and for the KL-divergence prior we used a normal distribution with zero mean and unit variance. It would be interesting to study, whether different distributions would work as well or how would a different prior affect the performance.

In this work, we studied hierarchical reinforcement learning methods. First, we have discussed two contemporary approaches, the Strategic Attentive Writer and FeUdal Networks. We have proposed a complex structured environment, MazeRooms, that emulates some elements of difficult environments such as Montezuma’s Revenge, also it is highly scalable and adjustable and allows for cheap evaluation of the reinforcement learning agents.

We have implemented both of the mentioned methods. We have tested the STRAW model on the GridMaze environment. We proposed using a struc-tured exploration scheme from STRAW in order to improve the performance of FeUdal Networks. We have shown, that the structured exploration scheme significantly improves performance of the FuN agent on the MazeRooms en-vironment. We have performed a basic qualitative analysis of the proposed method on a standard reinforcement learning benchmarking domain, Atari 2600, specifically on the game Enduro. The results of this analysis were not conclusive and require further study.

Deep reinforcement learning today is a rapidly growing area. As computa-tion is getting cheaper, larger and more powerful models than ever are being conceived and tested. Because of the scarred and bumpy history of AI (the two AI winters) a lot of researchers were careful about voicing their excitement and realizing their visions, afraid of funding cuts and ridicule. Today, however, this is changing, people are openly and systematically tackling the problem of developing AGI and real measurable progress is being made. Let us hope, that the people and the organizations, that might successfully develop such systems use them for the benefit of us all and not just for their selfish agenda.

Let us hope, that the future won’t bring autonomous warfare, or personalized surveillance and censorship, but rather systems capable of solving humanities’

toughest problems for the universal good.

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