• Nebyly nalezeny žádné výsledky

7.4 Statement of the results

7.4.1 Application to Voiculescu’s entropies

To relate Thorem 7.6 to estimates onχ, let us introduce in the spirit of Voiculescu, the entropy χe as follows. Let ΓUR(ν, n, N, ) be the set of unitary matrices V1, .., Vm such that

−1≤2−1(Vj+Vj)≤1−2(R2+ 1)−1 for allj∈ {1,· · ·, m}and


for any 1≤p≤n, i1, .., ip∈ {1, .., m}p1,· · ·, εp∈ {−1,+1}p. We set e

χ(ν) := sup

R>0 ninf∈Ninf

>0lim sup



N2logP (ψ(AN1 ),· · · , ψ(ANm))∈ΓUR(ν, n, N, ) . Let Ψ be the M¨obius function

Ψ(X1, . . . ,Xm)l=ψ(Xl) =Xl+ 4i Xl−4i. Then, it is not hard to see that

Lemma 7.7. For any τ ∈ M(m)1 which corresponds, by the GNS construction, to the distribution of bounded operators, we have

χ(τ) =χ(τe ◦Ψ).

A. Guionnet/Large deviations for random matrices 158

Moreover, Theorem 7.6 and the contraction principle imply

Theorem 7.8. Letπ1:Mc,(F[0,1]m )→ M(F{m1}) =MmU be the projection on the algebra generated by(U1(1), . . . ,Um(1),U1(1)1, . . . ,Um(1)1). Then, for anyτ ∈ M(m),

χ∗∗(τ) :=−lim

δ0inf{I(σ);d(σ◦π1, τ◦Ψ)< δ, σ∈ Mc,b(F[0,1]m )} ≤χ(τ) (7.4.6) and

χ(τ) ≤ − lim

δ→∞inf{I(σ);d(σ◦π1, τ◦Ψ)< δ, σ∈ Mc,(F[0,1]m )}

= −inf{I(σ), σ◦π1=τ ◦Ψ}. (7.4.7)

The above upper bound can be improved by realizing that the infimum has to be achieved at a free Brownian bridge (generalizing the ideas of Chap-ter 6, Section 6.7). In fact, if µ is the distribution of m self-adjoint oper-ators {X1, . . . ,Xm} and {S1, . . . ,Sm} is a free Brownian motion, free with {X1, . . . ,Xm}, we denoteτµb the distribution of

nψ(tXl+ (1−t)Slt

1t),1≤l≤m, t∈[0,1]o . Then Theorem 7.9. For anyµ∈ M(m),

χ(µ)≤ −I(τµb) =χ(µ) (7.4.8) 7.4.2. Proof of Theorem 7.6

We do not prove here thatI is a good rate function. The idea of the proof of the large deviations estimates is again based on the construction of exponential mar-tingales; In fact, forP∈ F[0,1]m , it is clear thatMPN(t) =E[ˆσN(P)|Ft]−E[ˆσN(P)]

is a martingale for the filtrationFt of the Hermitian Brownian motions. Clark-Ocone formula gives us the bracket of this martingale :

< MPN >t= 1 N2

Xm l=1

Z t 0

tr(E[∇lsP|Fs]2)ds As a consequence, for anyP∈ F[0,1]m , and t∈[0,1]

E[exp{N2(E[ˆσN(P)|Ft]−E[ˆσN(P)]− Z t


tr(E[∇sP|Fs]2)ds)}] = 1.

To deduce the large deviation upper bound from this result, we need to show that

Proposition 7.10. For P ∈ F[0,1]m , τ ∈ Mc,(F[0,1]m ), >0, l ∈N, L∈R+, define

H := H(P, L, , N, τ, l)

= ess sup

{d(ˆσN)<;ˆσNKL.ΓL}|tr(E[P(UN)|Ht]l)−τ(eτt(P|Bt)l)| then one has, for every l∈N



lim sup

→0 lim sup



τ∈KL.ΓL t[0,1]

H= 0 (7.4.9)

Here{KL.∩ΓL}L∈Nare compact subsets of M(F[0,1]m )such that lim sup


lim sup



N2logP(ˆσN∈(KL.∩ΓL)c) =−∞.

Then, we can apply exactly the same techniques than in Chapter 4 to prove the upper bound.

To obtain the lower bound, we have to obtain uniqueness criteria for equa-tions of the form


τt(P)−σ(P) = Z t



with fields K as general as possible. We proved in [18], Theorem 6.1, that if K∈ F[0,1]m , the solutions to this equation are strong solutions in the sense that there exists a free Brownian motion S such τ is the law of the operator X satisfying


But, ifK∈ F[0,1]m , it is not hard to see thatτet(∇tK|Bt)(X) is Lipschitz operator, so that we can see that there exists a unique such operatorX, implying the uniqueness of the solution of our free differential equation, and hence the large deviation lower bound.

7.5. Discussion and open problems

Note that we have the following heuristic description ofχ andχ∗∗ : χ(τ) =−inf{

Z 1 0


where the infimum is taken over all lawsµof non-commutative processes which are null operators at time 0, operators with lawτ at time one and which are the distributions of ‘weak solutions’ of


A. Guionnet/Large deviations for random matrices 160

χ∗∗ is defined similarly but the infimum is restricted to processes with smooth fieldsK (actuallyK∈ F[0,1]m ). We then have proved in Theorem 7.8 that


and it is legitimate to ask whenχ∗∗. Such a result would show χ =χ. Note that in the classical case, the relative entropy can actually be described by the above formula by replacing the free Brownian motion by a standard Brownian motion and then all the inequalities become equalities.

This question raises numerous questions :

1. First, inequalities (7.4.6) and (7.4.8) become equalities ifτµb ∈ Mc,∞b (F[0,1]m ) that is if there existsn, times (ti,1≤i≤n+1)∈[0,1]n+1, and polynomial functions (Qi,1≤i≤n) andP such that


t1 =Jµbt = Xn i=1


Can we find non trivialµ∈ M(m)such that this is true?

2. If we follow the ideas of Chapter 4, to improve the lower bound, we would like to regularize the laws by free convolution by free Cauchy variables C = (C1,· · ·, Cm) with covariance . If X= (X1,· · ·,Xm) is a process satisfying

dXt =dSt+Kt(Xt)dt,

for some non-commutative function Kt, it is easy to see that X =X+ C satisfies the same free Fokker-Planck equation with Kt(Xt +C) = τ(Kt(Xt)|Xt+C). Then, doesKis smooth with respect to the operator norm? This is what we proved for one operator in [65]. If this is true in higher dimension, then Connes question is answered positively since by Picard argument

dXt =dSt+Kt(Xt)dt

has a unique strong solution and there exists a smooth functionF such that for anyt >0

Xt =Ft(Ss, s≤t).

In particular, for any polynomial functionP ∈ChX1, . . . , Xmi µ(P(X+C)) =σ(P◦F1(Ss, s≤1)) = lim

N→∞tr(P◦F1(HNs , s≤1)) where we used in the last line the smoothness of F1 as well as the con-vergence of the Hermitian Brownian motion towards the free Brownian motion. Hence, since is arbitrary, we can approximate µ by the em-pirical distribution of the matrices F1(HNs , s ≤1), which would answer Connes question positively. As in remark 7.2, the only way to complete the argument without dealing with Connes question would be to be able to

prove such a regularization property only for laws with finite entropy, but it is rather unclear how such a condition could enter into the game. This could only be true if the hyperfinite factor would have specific analytical properties.

3. If we think that the only point of interest is what happens at time one, then we can restrict the preceding discussion by showing that if X = (X1,· · ·,Xm) are non-commutative variables with law µ, and (Jiµ,1 ≤ i≤m) is the Hilbert transform ofµand if we letµbe the law ofX+C, then we would like to show that (Jiµ,1≤ i ≤m) is smooth for >0.

In the casem= 1,Jµ is analytic in{|=(z)|< }. The generalization to higher dimension is wide open.

4. A related open question posed by D. Voiculescu [129] (in a paragraph entitled Technical problems) could be to try to show that the free convo-lution acts smoothly on Fisher information in the sense that t ∈ R+ → τX+tS(|JiτX+tS|2) is continuous.

5. A different approach to microstates entropy could be to study the gen-erating functions Λ(P) given, forP ∈ChX1,· · ·, Xmi ⊗ChX1,· · · , Xmi, by

R→∞lim lim sup


1 N2log



eTrTr(P(X1N,···,XmN)) Y


N(XiN) It is easy to see (and written down in [67]) that

χ(P) = inf

P∈ChX1,···,Xmi⊗2{Λ(P)−τ ⊗τ(P)}. Reciprocally,

Λ(P) = sup

τ∈M(m){χ(τ) +τ⊗τ(P)}.

Therefore, we see that the understanding of the first order of all matrix models is equivalent to that of χ. In particular, the convergence of all of their free energies would allow to replace the limsup in the definition of the microstates entropy by a liminf, which would already be a great achievement in free entropy theory. Note also that in the usual proof of Cramer’s theorem for commutative variables, the main point is to show that one can restrict the supremum over the polynomial functions P ∈ ChX1,· · · , Xmi2 to polynomial functions in ChX1,· · ·, Xmi (i.e. take linear functions of the empirical distribution). This can not be the case here since this would entail that the microstates entropy is convex which it cannot be according to D. Voiculescu [124] who proved actually that if τ 6=τ0 ∈ M(m) with m ≥2,τ and τ0 having finite microstates entropy, thenατ+ (1−α)τ0 have infinite entropy forα∈(0,1).

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Acknowledgments : I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my coauthors, I had a great time developping this research program with them. I am particularly indebted toward O. Zeitouni for a carefull reading of prelimi-nary versions of this manuscript. I am also extremely grateful to many people who very kindly helped and encouraged me in my struggle for understanding points in fields that I used to ignore entirely, among whom D. Voiculescu, D.

Shlyakhtenko, N. Brown, P. Sniady, C. Villani, D. Serre, Y. Brenier, A. Ok-ounkov, S. Zelditch, V. Kazakov, I. Kostov, B. Eynard. I wish also to thank the scientific committee and the organizers of the XXIX conference on Stochastic processes and Applications for giving me the opportunity to write these notes, as well as to discover the amazingly enjoyable style of Brazilian conferences.


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