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Standalone application

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Similarly to the previous web application, we developed a standalone desktop application (Vacha and Haindl, 2007b), which also implements the previous CBIR usecase. It again consists of two screens: input screen and result screen.

The input screen (Fig. C.3) consists of thumbnail images from the image database and fields for optional settings as number of retrieved images. The left click selects the query image and performs the retrieval. In the “image database” menu, the user can choose from different methods (features) used for the evaluation of image similarity.

The result screen (Fig. C.4) revises the query image and retrieval parameters, followed by the retrieved images. The user can select one of the result images as the query image 148

C.2 Standalone application

Figure C.3: Input screen of the desktop demonstration. Left click on an image thumbnail triggers the retrieval. Optionally, a user can change the number of retrieved images or the method used for similarity judgement.

Chapter C. Demonstrations

Figure C.4: Result screen of the desktop demonstration. The query image and retrieval parameters are revised in the upper part, while the retrieved images are shown in the rest of the screen. Additional information is provided in tooltips.


C.2 Standalone application

for the next retrieval task (right click on the image and choose the “retrieve” item from the pop-up menu). The “< input” button returns to the input screen.

A comparison of different methods for texture description and similarity judgement can be enabled by adding the command line parameter “--clones 2”, which creates two application windows. Subsequently, different methods can be selected in each application window. These windows are synchronised so that the retrieval with the same query image is performed simultaneously in both windows, but the results differ according to the selected methods.

A captured video of demonstration usage is available online.2 System requirements

Our CBIR application requires a computer with installed Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 6 or later, which is freely available for download.3 Moreover, the demon-stration needs 300 MB of free disk space, 1 GHz processor, and 0.5 GB of RAM.

The demonstration application was tested on operation systems GNU Linux and Win-dows XP.



4Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.


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