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Veřejná příloha20964_qzimm00.docx, 43.7 kB Stáhnout


Academic year: 2023

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Summary of Interviews Czech

1- Czech Government Representative working in the United States Household products-glass

Antil-Blazer Glass-Glassor

FAIR to maintain and broaden trade activities.

5 Czech Startups

Tech crunch disrupt NY now at the conference Act joy- Incomaker Viagood.

CZ are entering through cost side.

Entering point

Sectors where Czech companies considerate market share in the United States

1.CZ are strong at Medical devices- In almost every lab on the East coast lab there is a Czech microscope.

2. Glass is a very traditional provided purchasing patch from high/Czech in EV–L25wip Produce glass – Sculpture- lightning

Modern design-Hotel the main

Czech-Branches-Store- Showroom.

Every year they bring. NY one- 5/10 companies Glass. Largely strong.

Act Joy They all went through program seek much Selection of companies

CZ Invest programs - Choose companies consulates help – because

2nd Part in IT

Skilled IT Engineers (excellent more affordable then in US) send their engineers plans has the commission

Outsourcing for US companies Development center in Brno


Was very strong in experimenting Turbines in water power plants

Shift from heavy industry to sectors with added value that implement research.

Aim to put more weight and with added value E.g.: (1) artificial intellect

(2) Robotic intellect Catching up –

Czech- leading Czech technical very good at robotics.

Prioritize the Technical universe

The researcher asked: Who pushes this?

“It is a combination”

Government innovation strategy strong government policy in this field put support

innovation strong job dimensions and wouldn’t work if there is not cooperation from universities and business

Deputy prime min Of Ind. and trade (3) Food FDA HAME

major canned vegetables they were trying to enter 5 years after but struggling with the FDA regulations for meat

EMCO they produce usual Walmart private Label -1

Pilsner U.S on draft in NY Czech Br rest and bars –Czech beer Budweiser always

KOSHER fast food –MW –NJ-3/5 Czech companies that try to enter through NY

(4) Construction, lifters/service elevators during construction sites, for example in skyscrapers (5) Czech manager established are incorporated in the U.S

promote this wonderful companies

These program is called Czech invest funded by EV$ the gov. Czech Accelator runs this venture out runs! (American Partner)

3/5 –IT startup runs


(II started in 2018 Jan. came in Jan18 and 2020)

3 months of training and getting clients. Building business programs EV money-funds accelerator

Czech accelerator

Enable Czech to have 10/15 companies per year 2011 – 2014 -- Phase1 Accelerator 2018 – 2020 -- Phase 2 Accelerator

Press. Of Association of Small and med enterprises in Czech.

He was the person behind the innovation strategy History – background

Czeck tech

1- Czech who works overseas for the Czech Government

Risk Avoidance

Czech has always been innovative Strong Innovators


The Czech we have urge to innovate there has been obstacles 90’s . 21st had been removed - the Czech innovation can flourish more freely

LA Diplomatic centers

There was on in AR existed 4 years

2010-2014_ no more no. of Czech center in LA Czech Emb. Try to promote culture

Czech accelerator companies accept

Czech accelerator – less 7years register in Czech Less than 50 employees

They have to prove headquarters outside of Prague Companies in Prague-

Which is considered?


Funds can’t be directed to develop regions Companies coming from South Moravian A lot of companies come from BRNO IT – [How many companies apply?

50 applicants -2017

How many companies win?

Tomorrow support 19 companies 40-50%

CZ government agency of ministry of industry Support - Finance come from European fund

Plan to have with similar funding from Czech government.

That corruption it was in Czech but changing dramatically Programs support

Application is quite straight forward

Most of the paperwork is on the administration We are trying to make administration free

Project-went in NY

Share Europe

Internal systems and building

IT security friendly building app-

When asked about favorite skills, the answer was: Integrity

2- Czech government representative, working oversees. Researcher spoke briefly on the phone. The interview said he preferred to explained his responses in the survey. He felt more comfortable like that.

I think very few of our managers give autonomy to their people to work on projects independently.

On a scale 1 to 10, with “1” being the least likely and "10" the most likely.

1- To what degree are Czechs managers prone to take risks, or how comfortable they feel with uncertainties?

1 to 10 --> 1

2- How highly does your organization value individualism and place a premium on a person's initiative and accomplishments over the work performed collectively?


1 to 10 --> 7

3- Do you believe Czech organizations lean toward equality and deemphasis hierarchy? 1 to 10.

--> 7

4- Does an individual's status depend strictly on accomplishments? 1 to 10. --> 1 Please, answer questions 5, 6, 7, and 10 with a word, phrase, etc.

5- Are individuals valued for whom you are or do other factors enhance their value?

Individuals are valued for whom they are, whom they are related to (socially) and by the results they bring.

6- Do you think the Czech managerial style focuses more on short-term or long-term decision making?

I have seen both but the short term focus is more usual from my experience (what doesn't mean there are no managers / companies looking long term)

7- Are rules prioritized over relationships? Or the organization responds to a situation based both on the event at-hand and who is involved?

In my opinion, there is a very strong look to rules and procedures when convenient.

However, when personal interest is at stake or the right motivation applied, rules and procedures can be easily bypassed.

To trigger one or the other the relationship plays a major role, also the benefit for the parties (reward worth the "work").

8- Circle only one of the following: In your organization, conflict: B

a- is controlled by a higher authority, who aims at maintaining his/her power?

b- is suppressed by reference to rules, procedures, and definitions of responsibility?

c- is resolved through a full discussion about the issues involved?

d- is resolved by an open and deep discussion of personal needs and values?

9- Circle all that apply. On allow you to describe good managers? Do you positively rank those who? A, C, D, G

a- They grant employees autonomy to complete their role.

b- They are controlling.

c- They are sensitive.

d- They are knowledgeable/experts in their areas.

e- They set definite deadlines.

f- They use humor.

g- They are "hand on?"

10- In which managerial area do you think there is room for improvement?

People management for sure, there is low to no interest in developing employees into their future state (much better if they keep doing just what they are good at).

Also on project/risk management. I have seen a lack of flexibility and fear of making decisions (what's hidden behind procedures and rules).

3- Spanish Executive, with Czech Residence

Como funciona el sistema de rewards en la Republica Checa:


No se estila a dar un feedback negativo.

Actitud ligada a la cultura. Hay una resistencia pasiva que puede tener que ver hasta con la geopolítica del lugar. La república checa es prácticamente una llanura que ha sido rodeada por imperios que la han conquistado. En la cultura checa no son de batallar frontalmente.

Pero de alguna manera pueden resistir de manera mas pasiva. “Poniendo palos en la rueda”

A nivel distribucion de poder:

El poder funciona de manera opresiva. Pero si lo tienes es mejor. “Funciona como un reino de taifas”.

Los chechos suelen socializar con la cerveza, a traves de la musica y en los deportes. Son muy deportistas. (Similitud con los argentinos).

El como gerente rechazo una oficina mas grande que refleja mas prestigio para estar mas cerca del equipo. Queria “mezclarse” con la gente, estar cerca de los otros empleados y escuchar mas lo que pasa. Estar mas interiorizado.

Lo mismo al rechazar un parking spot que no necesitaba, y estacionaba su moto junto a la de otros empleados de menor rango.

Tener una secretaria en la Rep. Checa es un signo increíble.


Tambien los checos valoran mucho el titulo universitario. Se refiere a las personas por su titulo.

Como introducir cambios

“Con su equipo de trabajo, challengeando” Es difícil introducir el cambio. Te dicen: no se si lo vamos a poder hacer. Como manager es necesario crear un entorno, una atmosfera donde el equipo se sienta cómodo para trabajar con objetivos, pero no como algo impuesto sino como algo compartido.

Los checos son muy buenos técnicamente. Buscan demostrar. “Tienen el pride. Tengo que ser bueno.

El mas listo de los managers tiene expertise en el área técnica.

No es que les guste tanto los procesos, pero los siguen.

“No vas a encontrar a nadie que se salga del proceso”

En la época comunista, los de arriba se salteaban los procesos, por la corrupción. Por lo que saltearse el proceso se asocia con el comunismo.

Esa época no gusta. Fue una epoca de abusos.

Los que suben en la estructura se abusan del poder. Hacen diferencia entre empleados para posicionarse mejor y afianzarse en el poder.

Hubo un caso donde el director hacia diferencias entre managers, para que los elegidos se sientan especiales y le devolvieran con fidelidad.

Se juega mucho a culpar al otro. A poner la culpa y responsabilidad afuera.


Otro desafío que enfrento como manager fue hacer que la gente colabore entre departamentos.

Hay un chiste checo que refleja esta idiosincracia: que un checo quiere que se muera la cabra de un vecino.

CZ, AM, AR. Los 3 países tienen estilos individualistas. Quieren ser Buenos. Les importa el estatus, el dinero y destacarse en el área técnica. Todos tienen pride. Orgullo.

Un área para los 3 países CZ, AM, AR para mejorar es la comunicación.

La primera herramienta pra utilizar. Cada país necesitara un estilo distinto.

Es necesario tener claro como comunicar objetivos, negocios, políticas internas y motivación.

“Las culturas individualistas pecan de la comunicación. No quieren compartir. “

En los nuevos retos, “el mundo digital es de compartir”. La pantalla (the screen) se comparte.

Las culturas que no trabajan bien compartiendo, no funcionaran.

La organización tiene que estar enfocada a la comunicación y el manager tiene que trabajar como Puente entre distintas secciones.

4- Manager of a Czech Cultural Center in United States

Mirek is the director of the Czech Center in New York. There is there are 25 check centers in the world they have a strategic plan for 4 years

but each year they accommodate and adjust the plan. They celebrate anniversaries and they also present movies from different genres. Programming is tied to the Czech Republic Foreign Affairs program.

the director can basically do what he wants.

When he competed for this job he had to present a 4-year plan. for the center.

the center has three main audiences: 1) New York, 2) Consulates in Chicago, Los Angeles, and Washington; and 3) social media with youth letter.

obstacles he had to deal with from choosing artists, performers who can do it in English. they need to adjust to the American audience. Artists can request for Grants so they can prepare the program. The European organization name EUNIK, European Cultural Institution Organization, sometimes provides grants.

they are prone and they feel comfortable with improvisation. they do not expect to have everything under control because they feel comfortable if they have to create some solutions or thanks kind of at the last minute. they also need their own time.

an area for potential conflict is in the agreement for the Americas it has to be all written down in a formal contract even when it says about dealing with an artist checks do not need everything so written down, they would believe in the person and the type of relationship.

Americans like more the rules. but they are not able to improvise if something is missing the check would improvise and created America's would prefer to check and double-check that they have everything under control.


5- Czech Executive at Czech Accelerator

We send Czech start-ups to the United States for between a week to three months.

The Czech accelerator match the company in the US so as the start-up can learn about the product ecosystem.

They learn about the local business about from seeing and from interviews. So they organize meetings with executives and they find a mentor.

The goal for the start-up is to expand the business into the U.S. or to organize a venture out with an American company. The Czech accelerator program cooperates with this.

We help small producers to be in the U.S.

Main obstacles they face: Start-ups companies do not have enough money for the expansion; big competition; different culture of selling.

The American companies often times are suspicious about working with a Czech company, because they don’t know them much.

The Czech accelerator is all about sitting up cooperation between a Czech start-up and an American company and executives.

How long does it take from the application to the program to finally being able to travel to the States?

It is necessary to apply about 3 months and a half before the trip can be done. In this case they can go for one week.

If they intend to go for the 3 months program, then they need to apply to the program 5 months in advance.

There is a board that decides which companies will go.

The board is made up by 4 people: 2 are from the business field, and 2 are from the Ministry of Industry.

Which potential conflicts may arise when Czechs and Americans work together?

On the Czech side, is the Czech presentation, how they sell themselves. In the U.S. is so different.

Americans tend to work more and emphasis their selling skills. Czech need to improve in this field, even though they usually travel one person from the engineering or technical part, and one person from the business, marketing side.

6- Czech Executive of an IT international company How do you build trust?

You need to earn it. You also encourage them, that they can be trusted. If it is not trainable, I re- train them. There are cases, that can’t be trained, so I would need to fire them. There are a few cases only.

How do you introduce change?


We are constantly changing, introducing change for good. I discuss it with my team weekly. We discuss what’s going on, what’s the solution, and which is the best way to go forward. All together try to find the way, the solution.

You need to have a good team. She has an experienced team where they can discused solutions.

She has different types of managers. One is more “direct”. “This is what you need to do. “ The other one is more like a business partner, a consultant, and a counselor.

Which conflicts can you perceive when conducting business between American and Czechs?

Conflicting situations. In my role, the biggest conflicts are related to business possibilities and milestones, in comparison with what we can really do.

For example, they expect revenues for U$2,000,000, but they can do U$1,000,000. They are not negative, as sometimes maybe perceived, it is just that they are realistic. The American style would be, it’s challenging, but let’s try to do it.

“Americans are more positive” They say: “we have to try”.

And she tries, but it is quite stressful to negotiate.

How do you motivate employees? And show trust?

I try to find good outcome for everyone.

In the office there are not financial motivations for people. I commend them by telling them

“good results”, good outcome” and giving them “free space” to take action and make certain decision”

How do you think Czechs feel with uncertainties?

In general Czechs are risk averse. IBM is a rather conservative company, therefore it attracts those risk averse people. The ones that look for a stable job and stable salary.

In the States there is less stigma if you fail. Bigger stigma here. If they fail, people would be shy to go out and try again. If someone fails with their own company, they would need to work for others and that would make them feel embarrassed. Bad feeling about failure, not the one that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

What about Latin America? Do Czechs foresee expanding their businesses there?

“not much, not much in the agenda.


7- Czech governmemt employee- Public Sevtor- working in an Embassy in United states

Czech exports engines to the Americans

They participate in the Transportation field, by exporting engines for planes and they exported 3 trams to Washington D.C. a few years ago, as well as to the State of Portland.

Exports had been concentrated on the aviation sector, especially in 2008/2009. The biggest trade he was familiar with was with the sale of 4 airplanes.

Other areas were the Czech export products are:

Food industry, with private label, such as for Tesco and Walmart; Decorative items, such as chandeliers and crystals; medical items, such as microscopes.

Currently, for his understanding the main business between Czechs and Americans is based on microscopes. Japan, is the other leading country in this field.

In South America, Czechs are strong in the energy sector. They have been selling equipment for energy and mining. They sold turbines for power plants and conveyers for gold and digging machine for mining expeditions.

In Uruguay, they participated in a power company by selling cooling powers, to cool down equipment.

According to his impression, in South America many businesses are family own, and is expected from the owner to care about his/her employees and about personal relationships. Whereas in Europe and United States, is not so much like this. Not many family own businesses. Bosses are under lots of pressure, and feel they don’t have time to care about others.

Regarding the skills he thinks Czechs values the most, he said it is based on technical and engineering skills. Entrepreneurial skills are not much encouraging in the society. People tend to think that they can apply their technical knowledge working in a factory, so may not be

necessary to be an entrepreneur.

Czech companies tend to have formal structures with clear definitions of functions and departments, and roles.

He was proud to share that the Czech Technical University was making robots and selling them over the world. This is one of the biggest strengths from the technical Universities, that they prepare and train engineers to develop stat-of-the art and sophisticated technologies and apparels.

According to the interviewee, Czechs admire people who hold technical skills over any ability.

They want to be credited for their intelligence and technical knowledge. Many conceive that marketing and selling is shallow.

In general, he thinks Americans are less afraid to fail or to take risks. They are more into “risk- taking.”

Czech, on the other side, may think that if you fail you are a bad person. Some, prefer not to rush anything, so as not to take risks.


He reflected that Czech haven’t been conquerors, such as Italy or Britain, and the country has a rich neighbor: Germany, so many people may not see that they have to risk. Different form the situation in Poland for example that they went into a war against Russia. Czechs fought fiercely during World War II, but that is another story and context, as he put it.

The respondent shared that it will be better to take more risks, in general. There are positive examples of people who started new businesses and succeeded. There were not much on the Czech news those stories, but he is aware of many.

8- Financial Director –

Author corresponded with her by email. She explained briefly her views of Czech managers and prefer to answer survey, adding explanations to the answers instead of responding to an interview.

Survey for Czechs. Thank you for your time and for your collaboration for my research project! On a scale 1 to 10, with “1” being the least likely and "10" the most likely.

1- To what degree are Czechs managers prone to take risks, or how comfortable they feel with uncertainties?

1 to 10

Well, my answer on a scale is 6 or 7, but I would say it depends on the specific situation that the manager is in (the company and its regulations, if it’s Start- up or traditional company, if it’s my responsibility or e.g. responsibility of

„mother company“ etc.)

2- How highly does your organization value individualism and place a premium on a person's initiative and accomplishments over the work performed collectively?

1 to 10

Well, again, let’s say 7. Nevertheless, I have different experience to be honest 10 yrs ago I worked for a technological company and it was highly appreciated to be iniciative and bring some new own thoughts etc. on the other hand 2 yrs ago I worked for a German

traditional/family company and when I had different opinion or idea not going along with Executive Head’s one, it was wrong and finally it forced me to leave a company.

3- Do you believe Czech organizations lean toward equality and deemphasis hierarchy? 1 to 10.

[6. I hope they try and that it will get better

4- Does an individual's status depend strictly on accomplishments? 1 to 10.

4. Not really it depends on connections ☹

Please, answer questions 5, 6, 7, and 10 with a word, phrase, etc.

5- Are individuals valued for whom you are or do other factors enhance their value?

It all depends on people you work with. In general, again depends on recommendations, connections etc. but sometimes for sure you can change the point of view if you get the opportunity.

6- Do you think the Czech managerial style focuses more on short-term or long-term decision making?

Mostly short-term. From my point of view the people here doesn’t have „out of box“ thinking.

I would say it was repressed with previous regime in here... and

unfortunately, on some managerial positions are still the people having

„connections to the past.“


7- Are rules prioritized over relationships? Or the organization responds to a situation based both on the event at-hand and who is involved?

My last experience (Kärcher), there were a lots of rules in general. If you were a friend of board member and had the same opinion it worked. If you wanted to speak to a person above your boss it wasn’t possible. So, I would say based on my last experience the rules were in this case much more preferred than relationships. I would say that’s the Czech’s characteristic „to follow blindly the rules“. I guess it (again) comes from the past since during communist regime people were not allowed to think, just follow the rules... it’s still somehow here ☹

8- Circle only one of the following: In your organization, conflict:

a- is controlled by a higher authority, who aims at maintaining his/her power?

This exactly worked in Kärcher CZ ☹ no way to change it, no way to discuss. Either to follow and to agree or leave.

b- is suppressed by reference to rules, procedures, and definitions of responsibility?

c- is resolved through a full discussion about the issues involved?

d- is resolved by an open and deep discussion of personal needs and values?

9- Circle all that apply. On allow you to describe good managers? Do you positively rank those who?

a- They grant employees autonomy to complete their role.

b- They are controlling.

c- They are sensitive.

d- They are knowledgeable/experts in their areas.

e- They set definite deadlines.

f- They use humor.

g- They are "hand on?"

I vote for letters/possibilities – as follows: a) d) f) and of course if we talk about managers not leaders also b) e) But I always try to do my best if needed and to have also „hands-on“


10- In which managerial area do you think there is room for improvement?

Middle management and also (sometimes) top management. I can see our Czech managers mostly make a point of their positions and titles: „Hey, look at me such a manager and big boss I am“ but they are not open for discussion, they can’t listen to others and their team.

They have lack of respect to subordinates. I think a corporate social responsibility is a huge space for improvement in CZ.

Hopefully, it helps. If not, if I wrote something wrong or in a misleading way, just let me know Mariela


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