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Hall basis of twisted Lie algebras


Academic year: 2022

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DOI 10.1007/s10801-010-0214-z

Hall basis of twisted Lie algebras

Marc Aubry

Received: 8 June 2009 / Accepted: 5 January 2010 / Published online: 6 February 2010

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010

Abstract In this paper we define a minimal generating system for the free twisted Lie algebra. This gives a correct formulation and a proof to an old statement of Barratt.

To this aim we use properties of the Lyndon words and of the Klyachko idempotent which generalize to twisted Hopf algebras some similar results well known in the classical case.

Keywords Twisted Hopf algebras·Twisted Lie algebras·Klyachko idempotent· Hall basis·Dynkin word

1 Introduction

We can date the birth of twisted algebraic structures from the article of Barratt [2], where he proposed a new way for tackling the study of James–Hopf and Hilton–

Hopf invariants. Many years later general combinatorial foundations of twisted alge- braic structures were developed: elementary, combinatorial definitions by Stover [12]

copied from the classical (nontwisted) ones; abstract, categorical definitions with the species of structures [6,10]. Let us also mention an operadic approach [3,7,8].

The results presented hereafter were announced in [1].

At the end of [2], Barratt gives a description of the linear basis of the free twisted Lie algebra, but without proof. Briefly, he asserts that the free twisted Lie algebra on a set of variablesX is generated as a twisted module by the Lyndon words (in the classical meaning) and the brackets[. . .[x, x]. . . , x],xX.

This set is minimal, but it is not generating. To get a feeling of what happens, we consider the following analogy. Like free twisted Lie algebras, free graded Lie

M. Aubry (


Laboratoire de Mathématiques Jean-Alexandre Dieudonné UMR CNRS no6621, Université de Nice, Parc Valrose, 06108 Nice cedex 02, France



algebras satisfy[x, x] =0 for elementsx of odd degree (one can make the analogy more precise, but it is too much effort for a mere motivating example). Now look at the following graded Lie algebra: consider the graded set X= {x1, x2}, where the subscript represents the degree, andL(X) the free graded rational Lie algebra generated byX. We quickly check thatL(X)admits the following basis in low di- mensions:

(1) In word length 1:x1, x2; (2) In length 2:[x1, x1],[x1, x2];

(3) In length 3:[[x1, x1], x1],[[x1, x2], x2];

(4) In length 4:[[[x1, x1], x2], x2],[[x1, x2],[x1, x2]].

The element which corresponds to item (4) in the twisted case was not detected by Barratt. So we may suspect it ought to be.

We already guess how to improve Barratt’s intuition. To get a generating system, we have to consider the brackets[. . .[u, u]. . . , u]not only foruXbut also for ele- mentsuobtained from Lyndon words:[[x1, x2],[x1, x2]] =2[x1, x2]2, where[x1, x2] is obtained from the Lyndon wordx1x2.

Our proof follows the classical one: the Lyndon words give an independent set, and the Klyachko idempotent proves that this set is generating. We study the Kly- achko idempotent in the Hopf algebra environment: then the proofs work abstractly on morphisms and limit the complications involved by the action of the permutation group on words.

The paper is organized as follows.

We recall some definitions about twisted algebraic structures very briefly in Sect.2. We also set up notation once for all.

Section3gives a short account on various notions of free twisted associative and Lie algebras. Some light is brought to associative and Lie polynomials in the twisted case.

In Sect.4, we discuss Lyndon words and prove the minimality of our Hall basis.

Section5proves the properties of the Klyachko idempotent for Hopf algebras.

In Sect.6, we prove that our basis is generating.

2 Twisted algebras

We briefly review some twisted algebraic structures we shall use in the following sections. A complete exposition was given by Stover [12]. We follow his presentation:

it is very explicit on elements and so immediately manageable when we construct Hall basis.

First, we fix some notation for the permutation group.

2.1 Permutation groups

Let us denote by Sn the group of all bijections of n objects; in the following, it is understood (if the converse is not specified) that these objects are the set of integers {1, . . . , n}; we also explicitly denote a permutation σ by its image


(σ (1), . . . σ (n)). We compose permutations as usual for maps by acting on the left στ (i)=σ (τ (i)).

Given a decomposition (all integers in the following are nonnegative)(p1, p2)of n=p1+p2(by abuse we shall say a decompositionn=p1+p2), we define the inclusionSp1×Sp2⊂Sn as reflecting the inclusion given on objects by the map preserving order from left to right:

{1, . . . , p1}

{1, . . . , p2} ⊂ {1, . . . , n}, iion the first factor,

ip1+ion the second factor.

(As above and by abuse, for

order matters.) One immediately extends this to the casen=p1+· · ·+pk,k≥2, to defineSp1×· · ·×Spk⊂Sn. IfΦiare permutations inSi, we denote then by1, . . . , Φk)the image inSnof1× · · · ×Φk)∈Sp1×

· · · ×Spk.

We now define permutations acting on blocks. Letn=p1+ · · · +pk be some decomposition andσ∈Sk. We define the permutation ofSnacting on thek-blocks p1, . . . , pk by the following composition:

Cpσ−1(1),...,pσ−1(k)(σ ): {1, . . . , n} → {1, . . . , p1}

· · ·

{1, . . . , pk}

→ {1, . . . , pσ1(1)}

· · ·

{1, . . . , pσ1(k)} → {1, . . . , n},

where the first and last arrows preserve the order from left to right, and the second one preserves the elements (i.e., ifσ (j )=i, at thelth spot of theith block of the image, you find the element that was at thelth spot of thejth block in the preim- age).

We also recall the following:

Proposition 2.1.1

(1) For allσ, τ∈Sk, we have

Cp(σ◦τ )−1(1),...,p(σ◦τ )−1(k)τ )=Cp(σ◦τ )−1(1),...,p(σ◦τ )−1(k)(σ )Cpτ−1(1),...,pτ−1(k)(τ ).

(2) For allσ∈Sk,Φ1∈Sp1, . . . , Φk∈Spk, we have

Cpσ−1(1),...,pσ−1(k)(σ )◦(Φ1×···×Φk)=(Φσ−1(1)×···×Φσ−1(k))Cpσ−1(1),...,pσ−1

(k)(σ ).

2.2 Twisted modules and tensor products

LetR be a ring. A gradedR-moduleX is a collection(Xn)n∈N of R-modulesXn

indexed by the nonnegative integers.


Twisted modules A twisted module M is a graded module together with a right Sn-action (a rightR(Sn)-module structure onXnfor eachn). Morphisms of graded R-modules and of twisted modules are defined as one can imagine; we shall only consider morphisms of degree 0. A twisted moduleM is connected ifM0=0.R is canonically given a structure of twisted module.

Twisted tensor product The twisted tensor product ofktwisted modulesM1, . . . , Mk is defined by itsnth term

(M1⊗· · ·⊗Mk)n=

p1+···+pk=n pi0

(M1)p1R· · ·⊗R(Mk)pk


2.3 Twisted algebras and coalgebras

With the definitions given above, we can formally define twisted algebras and twisted coalgebras by the same diagrams we do for the classical cases.

Like the classical case again we define the tensor twisted algebraAB of two twisted algebrasAandB, the product of which is the composition

ABAB ATB AABB μAμB AB, which we can explicit on elements



=(a1a2)(b1b2)Cp1,p2,q1,q2(T )1×σ2).

We have denoted by T the swap ABBA and by σ the permutation (1,3,2,4).

2.4 Twisted bialgebras, Hopf algebras

We refer to [12] for the definitions of twisted algebras, coalgebras, and bialgebras.

Formally they reproduce the definition diagrams of the classical case.

Definition 2.4.1 A twisted bialgebra is a twisted moduleA, which is both a twisted algebra with productμ:AAAand unit:RAand coalgebra with coprod- uctΔ:AAAand counitη:AR, such that bothμandηare morphisms of twisted coalgebras or, equivalently, bothΔandare morphisms of twisted algebras;

hereAAis given the structure of twisted coalgebra (resp. algebra) induced byA and depicted in the preceding subsection.

Let us just emphasize the existence of the antipode in the axioms of Hopf algebras.


Definition 2.4.2 A twisted Hopf algebra is a twisted bialgebra Atogether with a morphism of twisted modulesS:AAsuch that the following diagram commutes:


R η




whereη:AR(resp.:RA) is the counit (resp. unit) of the coalgebra (resp.


Convolution At this point, it seems judicious to introduce an operation we shall use very often in the next sections.

Proposition 2.4.3 LetCbe a twisted coalgebra, andAbe a twisted algebra. The set of morphisms of twisted modules HomR(S)(C, A)is an associative monoid with the following product, called the convolution and denoted by:

f g:C Δ CC fg AA μ A

Now, by definition the antipode is the inverse of the identity under the convolution product; it is thus unique. Like in the classical case, there is a canonical way to define an antipode on a twisted connected bialgebra and thus to give it the structure of a twisted Hopf algebra.

Before continuing our description of twisted algebraic structures, let us recall the notion of pseudo-coproduct in cocommutative twisted bialgebras. We shall need it for the Klyachko idempotent (Sect.5) and we already referred to it for the Dynkin idempotent in [1].

LetAbe a cocommutative bialgebra. We use the notation of Sect.2 and denote byπ,Δ,η, andrespectively its product, coproduct, unit, and counit. Letν=η. Formally, the same definition as in [9] works.

Definition 2.4.4 An endomorphism f of A (here and in the sequel, endomor- phism means F(S)-module endomorphism, and we denote the corresponding set, F-module, by End(A)) admits F ∈End(A⊗A) as a pseudocoproduct ifFΔ= Δf. Iff admits the pseudocoproductfν+νf, we say thatf is pseudo- primitive.


2.5 Lie algebras

Definition 2.5.1 A twisted Lie algebraLis a twisted module together with a mor- phism of twisted modulesβ :LLL, called the bracket, which satisfies the traditional anticommutativity and Jacobi identities:

β+βT =0 in HomR(S)(LL, L),


=0 HomR(S)(LLL, L)

where(2,3,1)#acts onLLLbyxyzyzx.

Let us be redundant and transcribe this definition on elements. As usual, we write the bracketβ= [,], and the identities are written with explicit elementsuiLpifor i=1,2,3:

[u1, u2] = [u2, u1] ◦Cp2,p1

(2,1) ,

[u1, u2], u3


[u2, u3], u1


(2,3,1) +

[u3, u1], u2




As in the classical case, we can define a Lie bracket on each twisted algebraAby β=μμT or on elements[x, y] =xyyxCq,p((2,1))for elementsxandyof Aof respective degreespandq.

We conclude here the reminder on generalities about twisted algebraic structures.

It gives a convenient framework to understand the notation of the coming sections.

The paper of Stover [12] continues with enveloping algebras and the Milnor–Moore theorem.

Actually the theorem of Milnor–Moore also holds in the twisted context. Even if we shall need only part of the well-known results, let us recall some facts about primitive elements.

2.6 Primitives in a twisted Hopf algebra

IfAis a twisted bialgebra, an elementaAis primitive ifΔ(a)=a⊗1+1⊗a.

The set of primitives ofAis a twisted submodule ofA, denoted byP A.

Let us mention two results aboutP A(cf. [12], Propositions 7.8 and 8.10).

Proposition 2.6.1 ConsiderAas the twisted Lie algebra with bracket canonically induced by the (associative) product of A. Then P A is a twisted Lie subalgebra ofA.

Proposition 2.6.2 If the Hopf algebraAis cocommutative, then the inclusionP AAinduces an isomorphism of twisted Hopf algebrasU P A∼=A.


In the next section we wish to spread some light on various notions of free twisted objects. The most general one is defined by the usual process of adjunction (cf. [12]).

Barratt [2], much more restrictive, defines an explicit basis in degree 1. Finally we shall extend the definition of [2] to generators of any degree: for that, we introduce the notion of twisted polynomials.

Let us now proceed and fix some ideas about free twisted objects.

3 Free twisted objects and twisted Lie polynomials

In this section we again follow Stover [12] and adapt the first chapter of Reutenauer’s book [11] to the case of twisted structures.

First let us recall some basic definitions and properties of free monoids. Here no twisting occurs, and we shall be brief.

3.1 Words and free monoids

LetX be a set, finite or infinite, and denote its elements byx orxi for ion some indexing set. A juxtaposition (or concatenation) of a finite number of ordered letters, e.g.,x1x2. . . xn, is called a word. The collection of all words generated by X, de- noted byW (X), comes with an obvious embedding of setsı:XW (X). Moreover W (X)admits a product, called the concatenation product, defined as in the following example:(x1. . . xn)(x1. . . xn)=x1. . . xnx1. . . xn.W (X)with this product is a free monoid. This definition is justified by the following:

Proposition 3.1.1 For any monoid M and any map of sets f :XM, there is a unique map of monoidsf :W (X)M such that the following diagram in the category of sets commutes:

X f M

W (X) f


3.2 Definitions of free twisted objects and polynomials

LetXbe a graded set (eachxXis equipped with a positive integer|x|called the degree), and R be a ring. The twisted free module over R generated by X is any twisted module isomorphic to xXxR(S|x|)and is denoted byR(S)(X). Again there is an obvious embedding of setsı:XR(S)(X).

Proposition 3.2.1 For any twisted moduleMand any map of graded setsf :XM, there is a unique map of twisted modulef :R(S)(X)Msuch that the follow-


ing diagram in the category of graded sets commutes:

X f M

R(S)(X) f


Proof Given any elementx1r1+ · · · +xnrn, xiX, riR(S), the commutation of the diagram implies thatf (xi)=f (xi)and by linearityf (x1r1+ · · · +xnrn)= f (x1)r1+ · · · +f (xn)rn. Thus f, if existing, is unique. Moreover the preceding formula is precisely a definition off oncef is given.

Now letMbe a twisted module overR. Let us denote byMnthe twisted module given by the tensor product ofncopies ofMand byT (M)the direct sum n>1Mn (see Sect.2.2for the definition of the twisted tensor product). The associativity for- mula of Sect.2.2defines a (product) mapMnMmM(n+m), which by lin- earity extends toT (M)and endows it with a structure of an associative twisted al- gebra. This is called the free twisted (associative) algebra generated by the twisted moduleM. There is an obvious embedding of twisted modulesı:MT (M). This terminology is justified by the following:

Proposition 3.2.2 For any twisted (associative) algebraAand any map of twisted modulesf:MA, there is a unique map of twisted algebrasf :T (M)Asuch that the following diagram in the category of twisted modules commutes:

M f A

T (M) f


Proof Given an element m1⊗ · · · ⊗miσ, define f (m1⊗ · · · ⊗miσ )= f (m1)⊗ · · · ⊗f (mi)σ. A straightforward inspection shows thatf (m1σ1⊗ · · · ⊗ miσiσ )=f (m11⊗ · · · ⊗f (miiσ =f (m1)⊗ · · · ⊗f (mi)(σi ×σ1×

· · · ×σi. This proves, first, thatf is well defined onT (M)as a twisted module map and, secondly, thatf is multiplicative. Moreover, by definition,f =f on the

twisted moduleM. This completes the proof.

We briefly pause here to emphasize an important point we shall only use in the next subsection. Consider the map of twisted modules Δ:MT (M)T (M)given byΔ(m)=m⊗1+1⊗mand extend it to obtain a map of twisted algebrasΔ: T (M)T (M)T (M). This process endowsT (M) with a structure of twisted bialgebra. Actually this bialgebra is connected; indeed it is easy to check that the anti- automorphismS:T (M)T (M)defined byS(m)= −m(just apply the universal


property of Proposition3.2.2to the algebra opposite toT (M)) satisfies the axioms of an antipode forT (M). In other words we just defined the structure of twisted Hopf algebra forT (M).

Now let us specialize to the free twisted module generated by a graded setX.

Let us denote byF(X)the free twisted associative algebraT (R(S)(X)). Combining Propositions3.2.1and3.2.2, we readily obtain the following:

Proposition 3.2.3 For any twisted associative algebraAand any map of graded sets f :XA, there is a unique map of twisted algebrasf :F(X)Asuch that the following diagram in the category of graded sets commutes:

X f A

F(X) f


We end this subsection by introducing polynomials in the twisted case. A typical element of R(S)(X))may be written as

i∈Ixiσi, for a finite indexing setI. ThusF(X)is linearly generated (i.e., as anR(S)-module) by elements of the type

jJxj, whereJbrowses all finite tuples of elements ofX. Such an element is also writtenx1. . . xj for a j-uple(x1, . . . , xj)and is called a monomial of F(X). The collection of monomials is a linear basis forF(X). In the algebraF(X), the product of polynomials follows the rules of the product in a free twisted algebra edicted in Sect.2.2:

(x1,1σ1,1⊗ · · · ⊗x1,kσ1,k1×(x2,1σ2,1⊗ · · · ⊗x2,l2,l τ2


(x1,1σ1,1⊗ · · · ⊗x1,kσ1,k)(x2,1σ2,1⊗ · · · ⊗x2,lσ2,l) τ1×τ2

=(x1,1⊗ · · · ⊗x1,kx2,1⊗ · · · ⊗x2,l)(σ1,1× · · · ×σ1,k×σ2,1× · · · ×σ2,l)


3.3 Free twisted Lie algebras and Lie polynomials We refer here to Stover [12], especially for the proofs.

Consider a nonassociative abstract operation on symbols and write it as a bracket- ing. Starting with a unique symbol, sayx, the bracketing operation gives rise to an in- finite setN(x), the free nonassociative monoid generated byx. Given a twisted mod- uleMand an elementbofN(x), we defineMbas the twisted moduleM#b, where

#bdenotes the number of occurrences ofxinb, and the twisted structure is similar to the twisted structure of the ordinary tensor product. The bracketing operation in the monoidN(x)induces an obvious bracketing operationMbMcM(bc). Let us define the twisted moduleT(M)= b∈N(x)Mb. The bracketing operation just defined extends toT(M)by linearity. Call itβ.


DefineI(M)as the two-sided twisted ideal ofT(M)generated by the images of β+β(2,1):T(M)×T(M)T(M),


β×I(M) +β




(2,3,1)2: T(M)×T(M)×T(M)T(M).

The quotientL(M)=T(M)/I(M)is equipped with the map induced byβ (de- noted as usual by [,]) and is called the free twisted Lie algebra generated byM, denomination justified by the following proposition proved by Stover [12]. There is an obvious embedding of twisted modulesı:ML(M).

Proposition 3.3.1 For any twisted Lie algebraLand any map of twisted modules f :ML, there is a unique map of twisted Lie algebrasf :L(M)Lsuch that the following diagram in the category of twisted modules commutes:

M f L

L(M) f


Let us end this subsection with some lines about twisted universal enveloping algebras.

IfLis a twisted Lie algebra, consider the free (associative) twisted algebraT (L) generated by the twisted moduleLwith the linear embeddingı:LT (L). Now let I Lbe the two-sided twisted Lie ideal generated inT (L)by the elements of the form [ı(x), ı(y)] −ı[x, y].

The enveloping algebra ofLis the quotient (associative) algebraT (L)/I (L)and is denoted byU L. It satisfies the following:

Proposition 3.3.2 For any Lie algebraLand any map of Lie algebrasf :LA, there is a unique map of algebrasf :U LAsuch that the following diagram in the category of sets commutes:

L f A

U L f


Now we can phrase the twisted version of the Milnor–Moore theorem for free algebras given in [12], Proposition 7.4.


Theorem 3.3.3 LetMbe a twisted module. The twisted algebra map T (M)UL(M)

induced by the composition of maps of twisted modules ML(M)UL(M) is an isomorphism.

As in the preceding subsection, we can introduce Lie polynomials. Recall that a typical element ofR(S)(X)may be written as

iIxiσifor an indexing setIand that a (noncommutative) polynomial in F(X) is a linear combination of elements such asx1σ1⊗ · · · ⊗xjσj. By Sect.2.4and Proposition3.3.1we define an embed- ding of twisted Lie algebras,L(X)F(X). A polynomial inF(X)is called a Lie polynomial if it is in the image ofL(X)by this embedding.

Remark If we suppose that all elements ofX are of degree 1, we recover Barratt’s definition of a free twisted (associative) algebra and Lie algebra.

4 Lyndon words

Preliminary remark One can ask—and we are grateful to the referee for his question—why we are limited to Lie algebras over free twisted modules. The rea- son rests on the next two sections. As the classical one (see [4]), our proof uses Lyndon words. Let us have an idea of the problem. Suppose thatMis defined on the rationals by two generatorsxandy of degree 2 and a relationx(1+)=y(1), where=(2,1)∈Q(S2)(notice that 1−and 1+are zero divisors inQ(S2) and the set of generators{x, y}is minimal). Of course this relation induces further relations between all monomials inx andy, and the fundamental Theorem4.2.2is no more valid.

This section (and Sect.5) follows the presentation of [4] in outline. We have now to handle carefully the twisted structures. We have precisely in mind that for an el- ementuin a twisted Lie algebra, the bracket[. . .[u, u], . . . , u]]is not necessarily 0.

So, when building a basis, we have to modify the classical definitions and to check properties again. Let us proceed for Lyndon words.

4.1 Free twisted associative algebra context

First we fix a basis fieldFof characteristic 0. Let alsoXbe a graded set; we denote its elements byxi. Let us denote byW (X)the set of words inX; the length of a word is the number of elements ofXnecessary to write it down by concatenation; conven- tionally 1 is the word of length 0. WriteF(X)for the free associative twisted algebra generated byX (cf. Sect.3); as anF(S)-module,F(X)admitsW (X)for basis. As


usual, the product inF(X) is denoted by the simple juxtaposition f g, and so the canonical Lie algebra structure onF(X)is given by[f, g] =f ggfC|g|,|f|((2,1)).

Finally let us writeL(X)for the free twisted Lie algebra generated byX, which we consider as a Lie twisted subalgebra ofF(X)with its canonical Lie algebra structure.

We now define Lyndon words ofF(X)in various equivalent ways and examine how using them to obtain generators ofL(X).

Letu, v, wbe words (elements ofW (X)) of strictly positive length such thatw= uv. We say thatuis a head ofwand thatvis a tail ofw. We order words ofW (X) by lexicographic order and denote the order relation by≥. In particular, ifwuv, either the order is decided inuandwu, or only inv, and thenuis a head ofw.

Definition 4.1.1 A Lyndon word is a word that is strictly smaller than all its cyclic rearrangements or a power not less than 2 of a Lyndon word.

Remark The preceding definition makes sense because it is recursive. Clearly all elements ofXare Lyndon words (these are all Lyndon words of length 1—like in the nontwisted case), and ifw=up, p≥2, the length ofuis strictly smaller that the length ofw.

We fix now some notation. LetL (resp.Ln) denote all Lyndon words ofF(X) (resp. of lengthn).

We say that a wordw=x1x2. . . xkis not prime if there is some nontrivial circular permutationσ∈Sk such thatw=xσ (1)xσ (2). . . xσ (k). In the opposite case we say thatwis prime.

Proposition 4.1.2 wis a Lyndon word if and only if

(1) Ifwis prime, thenwis strictly smaller than all its tails, or

(2) Ifwis not prime, then there exists a Lyndon wordusuch thatw=up,p >1.

Proof (⇐) Suppose thatwis smaller than all its tails. Writew=uvwithuandvof strictly positive length. Thenw < v, which impliesw < vu. Asv is a tail ofw, this means thatwis strictly smaller than all its cyclic rearrangements.

(⇒) Letw=αv, withαandvof strictly positive length. Thenw < vα.

(a) Either this inequality is decided inv, and we are done, (b) orvis a head ofw, andw=vβ; then by hypothesis

(1) w=αv < βv, and thusα < β,

(2) and vice-versa:w=vβ < vα, and thusβ < α,

which shows that (b) cannot happen.

Proposition 4.1.3 wis a Lyndon word if and only if it has a factorization:

Ifwis prime,w=w1w2withw1, w2Landw1< w2, or

Ifwis not prime, w=up, p >1, ua prime Lyndon word.


Moreover ifwis prime andw2is the longest possible Lyndon word,w1andw2are prime.


Letw=w1w2withw2the longest Lyndon tail ofw. We shall first show thatw1 is strictly smaller thanw2and secondly thatw1L, which means that the decompo- sition matches the request.

By Proposition4.1.2,w=w1w2< w2. Suppose w1w2; then w1uw2 for every wordu, in particularu=w2, which contradicts our hypothesis; sow1< w2. Our first assertion holds.

Let us prove now thatw1is a Lyndon word.

First examine the two possible cases.

(A)w1is a prime word.

We use Proposition4.1.2again and show that w1 is strictly smaller than all its tails. Decomposew1=uvwithuandvof strictly positive length.

w=uvw2, and our choice ofw2implies thatvw2cannot be a Lyndon word. So, by Proposition4.1.2, there exists a decompositionvw2=stwitht < vw2.

(a) Either this inequality is decided inv:v > t. Going back tow, we getw=ust andt > w=w1w2> w1, and we deduce thatv > t > w1, as desired.

(b) Orvis a head oft, and we can writet=vs; thenvw2=st=svs. In other words,sis a tail ofw2. Sincew2is a Lyndon word:

(i) Eitherw2< s, and we derive

vw2> t=vs> vw2, which is a contradiction.

(ii) Orw2=up, p >1, withua prime Lyndon word (equivalently,pmaximal).

Ifs=sukwithsof length strictly positive but smaller than the length ofu. Then sis a tail ofu. Asuis a prime Lyndon word,u< s.


vup=vw2> t=vsuk.

Since the length ofsis strictly smaller than the length ofu, this forces u> s

in contradiction with the above assertion.

So the casew2=upcannot occur.

(B)w1is not prime, sayw1=(uv)p, p >1.

Thenw=(uv)pw2. Aswis a Lyndon word, our choice forw2implies thatvw2 is not a Lyndon word. Thus there exists a decompositionvw2=st, witht < vw2.

(a) Either this inequality is decided invandv > t. Then w=(uv)p1uvw2=(uv)p1ust, and, aswis a Lyndon word with tailt,

t > (uv)p1ust > uv.



v > t > uv, which proves thatuvis a Lyndon word.


uv < (uv)p< w2

by the first part of the proof. Thusuvw2is a product of two Lyndon wordsuvand w2withuv < w2. If we suppose recursively that the theorem holds in length smaller than the length of|w|, we conclude thatuvw2is a Lyndon word, a contradiction with our hypothesis onw2.

(b) Or the inequality is not decided inv, andvis a head oft. Then we can repro- duce the argument in (A), case (b), because in this part of the proof we do not use thatwis a Lyndon word, only the fact thatw2is one.

So the study of case (B) proves that this case is, in fact, impossible:w1is neces- sarily a prime word.

We use Proposition4.1.2once more and give ourselves a decompositionw=uv.

We begin with the case wherev=w2(and sou=w1). By hypothesis,w1< w2. If this inequality is decided before the end ofw1, thenw1β < w2for every wordβ. If not, this means thatw1is a head ofw2, and then we can writew2=w1α. Noww2is a Lyndon word andw2< α, which impliesw=w1w2< w1α=w2.

Ifv is shorter thanw2, thenv is a tail w2, and (always Proposition4.1.2)v >

w2> w.

Ifv is longer thanw2,w2is a tailv:v=sw2for some words. Thens is a tail of w1. Noww1 is also a Lyndon word; thus w1< s, which impliesw=w1w2<

sw2=v. This was to be proved.

Definition 4.1.4 A standard factorization of a Lyndon wordwis a factorization of one of the two types:

(i) w=w1w2, wherew1andw2are Lyndon words,w1< w2withw2the longest word possible, or

(ii) w=up,ua Lyndon word, andp >1 with the greatestppossible.

4.2 Free twisted Lie algebra context

In this section we explain how to use the Lyndon words to construct a basis of the free twisted Lie algebra.

Let us define a mapb:LL(X). We start withxX:b(x)=xL(X). Then the definition is recursive: if w=w1w2 (factorization (i) of Definition 4.1.4) we setb(w)= [b(w1), b(w2)]; ifw=up(factorization (ii) of Definition4.1.4), we set b(w)= [[b(u), b(u)], . . . , b(u)].

We are now ready to show how Lyndon words generate an independent set inL(X).


Proposition 4.2.1 Ifwis a prime Lyndon word, then:



vav withavR(S).

Ifw=up, then:

b(w)= b(u)p

(1γ2) . . . (1γp), whereγi is the permutation ofC(i−1)|u|,|u|((2,1))ofSi|u|.

Proof We begin with the casew=up. By recursion it is enough to prove thatb(w)= b(up1)b(u)(1γp). Nowb(up)= [b(up1), b(u)]by the definition ofb; then apply the definition of the twisted Lie bracket inF(X).

Let us now examine the prime case. Again we proceed recursively. So we have the standard factorizationw=w1w2, and by the hypothesis of recursion we can write whenw1andw2are prime:

b(w)=w1w2w2w1C|w1|,|w2| (2,1)


v1v2v2v1C|v1|,|v2| (2,1)


where the sum is over all pairs(v1, v2)wherevi appears in the decomposition ofwi excepting the pair(w1, w2). Sov1v2> w1w2because eitherv1> w1or ifv1=w1, thenv2> w2. Similarly,v2v1> w2w1, andw2w1> w1w2because w1w2=w is a Lyndon word.

Ifw1=uporw2=vq, then the same argument holds.

The last discussion leads immediately to the fundamental result:

Theorem 4.2.2 The polynomials{b(w)}w∈Lare independent inF(X).

We want now to prove that these polynomials are generating. As in the classical case, the major tool is the Klyachko idempotent.

5 The Klyachko idempotent

We follow here the presentation of [9] and work in a bialgebra. We shall specialize to the Lie algebra in the next section.

LetAbe a twisted bialgebra, andFbe a field of characteristic 0, which contains a primitiventh root of the unityωnfor anyn≥1. Letpn:AAnAbe the pro- jection ofAonto its component of degreen(viewed as a morphism of EndF(S)(A)) and definepC=pi1· · · pil, whereCdenotes thel-uple of strictly positive integers (i1, . . . , il); we shall also say thatCis a composition of(i1+ · · · +il). By definition Cis finer thanC, and we writeCC ifCis obtained fromC by substituting to a subset of consecutive entries ofC (sayik, ik+1, . . . , ik+l, 1≤kk+lj) their sum (ik+ · · · +ik+l); notice that this substitution does not change the total sum of all entries ofC, which we call the weight; see below.


By inclusion–exclusion we define the elementsrCof EndF(S)(A)by the formula pC=



More precisely, letl(C)be the length—the number of entries—ofC. Then (by Moe- bius inversion)



(−1)l(C)l(C)pC. (1) For anyl-upleC=(i1, . . . , ij), define its weight by|C| =i1+ · · · +il and its major index by maj(C)=(l−1)i1+(l−2)i2+ · · · +il1. With this notation let us define:

Definition 5.0.3 The Klyachko idempotent—this denomination will be justified below—of ordernis the morphismκn∈EndF(S)(A)given by the formula

κn=1 n


ωmaj(C)n rC.

Theorem 5.0.4 IfAis a cocommutative, connected bialgebra, thenκnmapsAinto the primitives of the bialgebraA.

Proof We reproduce the proof of [9] and use the shortcut presented in [5]. A priori we have to pay attention to the action ofS, in particular when dealing with tensor products.

Actually the general presentations by morphisms [9] veils the effective action of S: the abstract formulas for structure maps of the twisted bialgebraAdo not involve permutations explicitly; they only appear when we want to make them explicit on elements ofA.

We define Endgr(A) = n>0EndF(Sn)(An). Let q be a variable; then Endgr(A)[[q]]makes sense. As the morphisms of EndF(S)(A)are of degree 0, there is a bijection between End(A)and Endgr(A)compatible with the action ofF(Sn); so we can transfer the convolution product to Endgr(A). DefineP (q)=

n0pnqn∈ Endgr(A). The infinite product

κ(q)= · · · P qn

· · · P (q) P (1) is well defined in Endgr(A)[[q]], becauseAis connected.

Observe that each element of Endgr(A)[[q]] has a unique expression as a sum

nfn, withfn∈End(An[[q]]). Like in [9] (after [5]), these elements can be easily deduced from the formula



Kn(q) (q)n

with(q)n=(1q) . . . (1qn)andKn(q)=

|C|=nqmaj(C)rC. Notice that in the above formulanactually is the degree involved in Endgr(A).


We extend the definition of pseudo-coproduct recalled in Sect.2and say thatf∈ Endgr(A)[[q]]admits the pseudo-coproductF ∈Endgr(A)⊗Endgr(A)[[q]]ifFδ=δf, whereδextends naturally toA[[q]]. Moreover, there is a natural bijection (compatible with the action of theSn) between Endgr(A)[[q]] andS-morphisms AA[[q]](similarly between Endgr(A)⊗FEndgr(A)[[q]]and morphismsAF AAFA[[q]]. We systematically identify Endgr(A)⊗F[[q]]Endgr(A)[[q]]with (Endgr(A)FEndgr(A))[[q]]. Granting this, forf, g∈Endgr(A)[[q]], we consider fg as an element of(Endgr(A)FEndgr(A))[[q]]. With all these conventions, Theorem 5.0.8 of [1] applies, since we assumedAto be cocommutative.

We check that

i+j=npipjδ=δpn, i.e.,

i+j=npipj is a pseudo- coproduct forpn(this is general; iff =

fn,ff is a pseudo-coproduct forf if and only if

i+j=nfifj is a pseudo-coproduct forfn). This is equivalent to say thatP (q)P (q)is a pseudo-coproduct forP (q)(the same is true forP (qn)for any n >0). Then, applying Theorem 5.0.8 of [1], we deduce thatκ(q)κ(q)is a pseudo- coproduct forκ(q). By the above result, this means that

i+j=n Ki(q)

(q)iK(q)j(q)j is a pseudo-coproduct for K(q)n(q)

n , or equivalently

i+j=n (q)n

(q)i(q)jKi(q)Kj(q) is a pseudo-coproduct for Kn(q). The polynomials (q)(q)n

i(q)j vanish for q =ωn, except the cases wherei=0 orj=0 (in both cases they are equal to 1). This means that Knn)=nis pseudo-primitive and proves the theorem.

Corollary 5.0.5 IfAis a cocommutative, connected bialgebra, thenκn is an idem- potent.

Proof For sake of completeness, we reproduce the proof of [4]. Here there are no changes introduced by the action ofS.

First notice that the coproductδof the bialgebraApreserves the degree; therefore pC is 0 on all elements of Aof degree not equal to the length ofC (just consider the coassociativity of the coproduct, which implies the associativity of the convo- lution). So, by the previous theorem and sinceA—a cocommutative and connected bialgebra—is generated by its primitive elements (Proposition2.6.2), it is enough to prove thatκn(a)=a for any primitive elementaA; by the preceding remark there is no restriction to suppose that|a| =n. Asais primitive,pi pj(a)=0, and pC(a)=0 only ifC is of length 1. Equation (1) implies thatrC(a)=(−1)l(C)1a for eachCof weightn. Thus,




Now there is classical bijection between compositions ofnand subsets of{1, . . . , n−1}, sendingS=(i1, . . . , il)ontoS= {i1, i1+i2, . . . , i1+ · · · +il1}. The cardi- nality ofSisl(C)−1, and we define maj(S)=

iSi=maj(C). With this notation, n(a)=









1−ωin a

=(1+1+ · · · +1)a=na

sinceωnis a primitiven-root of the unity.

6 The Lyndon-Hall basis

This section tells how to use the Klyachko idempotent for proving that the Lyndon words are generating.

We proved in Corollary5.0.5thatκn is the identity on primitives of the bialge- braF(X). Moreover,κn mapsF(X)into its primitive elements, and thus, by the Theorem3.3.3of Milnor–Moore , we conclude thatκn(F(X))=L(X).

In Theorem4.2.2we proved that the setLof Lyndon words determines a minimal set of independent elements inL(X). In this section we want to prove that this set is generating (actually this is directly related to the fact that, by definition,Lforms a set of representatives of all circular rearrangements classes of words ofW (X)). Let us see that.

To this purpose, we shall use the Klyachko idempotentκn. The following theorem tells us thatκn does not discriminate between all circular rearrangements of a same word. This property is given by the study of the kernel of the Klyachko invariant. For this part, we work in the general context of a connected cocommutative bialgebraA.

Theorem 6.0.6 The kernel ofκnrestricted toAnis spanned by the elements of the formabω|b|baC|b|,|a|((2,1)).

Proof We directly use the proofs of Theorem 16, Lemma 14, and Corollary 15 given in [9]. The proof of Theorem 16 explicitly rests on the fact that primitive must be generating inA; hence the hypothesis onA.

First recall the principle of the proof. We examine a worda1a2. . . ap with to- tal degree |a1| + |a2| + · · · + |ap| =n, its imageκn(a1a2. . . ap), and the circular permutationapa1. . . ap1 and its imageκn(apa1. . . ap1). Both images are linear combinations of words obtained by permutations ofa1a2. . . ap. Then, we focus our attention to such a wordw. In the classical case one proves that the coefficient of winκn(apa1. . . ap1)is equal to the coefficient of the same winκn(a1a2. . . ap) multiplied byω|nap|.

Now we want to extend this classical case (the basis ring is a fieldF of char- acteristic 0, possibly extended by primitive roots of unity) to the twisted case: the basis ring is the group ringF(S). The coefficient of the wordw mentioned in the preceding paragraph results from two distinct processes. First, a linear combination inF of coefficients of the form ωnmaj(C) which appear in the definition of κn; no- tice that if, in the classical case, we calculatep|a1| p|a2|· · · p|ap|(a1a2. . . ap), where thea1, a2, . . . , apare primitive, we obtain a combination of words obtained by some permutations of the worda1a2. . . apwith all coefficients equal to 1. Secondly, the action of the group of permutations; it is generated by a repeated application of


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