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Giving opportunity to the tourists to collect all information about some particular thing at one place would be irreplaceable. Medieval Old Town fortress in Travnik8that is located in Srednjebosanski canton and is made in 11thcentury offers great proofs of history which happened on that very place. It represents museum on the place where history ac-tually happened. Combination of multimedia and actual history would be a winning com-bination.

Multimedia information could be offered to the tourists on the fortresses right next to the objects which witness actual history.

Multimedia kiosks, catalogues, QR technology are just some of the instruments which are used for multimedia presentation.

- Multimedia kiosks

Computer terminals of this kind could be found in public places, offering their users information. In touristic sense multimedia kiosks can have a purpose of touristic guide. In interactive way they can explain history of museum building or exhibits which are happen-ing in that very place. They can also include different games and quizzes to check visitors’

knowledge and to keep his interest in some particular topic (WiseGeek, 2011).

8 More about fortress in Travnik in project part of this paper.

Kiosks used today in tourist purposes are adjusted for easy to use by adults, beginners in technology, children and because of its adaptation of height it could be used by people in wheelchairs.

Most popular are standing kiosk and its design is brought up to perfection. Screens used by multimedia kiosks are multi touch, and today trends are green computers9. It uses minimal power, it doesn’t produce any fan sound, and the latest processors are integrated inside for the fast processing and user friendly display of information.

- Digital catalogue

Interactive media could be also used in form of digital catalogue. To make things more plain and simple digital catalogue could be a database with all objects included in the exhi-bition and information about them (about author, place where they are found, year etc.) and of course information about museums (when it was build, who build it, etc.).

Digital catalogues could be published as a part of:

- multimedia kiosks, - USBs,

- smartphone application or - burned on CD/DVD.

9 Environmentally sustainable computer

Figure6 – Flexibility of multimedia kiosks

By creating a database with information about all exhibitions would allow management of the museum to have a clear insight into activities done by the museum and it would al-low them to plan more convenient strategies regarding future existence of an institution. In this way every museum which has a digital catalogue could be put in one common data-base. This database could be a great instrument to control and monitor the work of all mu-seums.

- QR technology

Introduction of QR technology is a new way to make tourists spend more time on their destinations. At first Quick Recognition (QR) codes were used in production industries, but today smartphones allowed ordinary people to have extraordinary benefits from this type of coding system.

QR codes are special types of barcodes initially created by Toyota in 1994 to make tracking of automotive parts easier. Recognizing the potential two – dimensional codes have, marketing and advertising sector decided to establish new way of giving information to people (BBC, 2012).

When scanned QR codes links online and reveals content (text, multimedia…). QR codes are part of augmented reality – the reality where extra sounds, pictures and informa-tion allows reality to get augmented segments. So the main point of introducing augmented reality and QR codes in the world of tourism is to link some specific object in reality to its equivalent in augmented one.

Generation of QR codes is done through QR code generator. Generator can be found online, and it is free of charge. On the other side, used who want to obtain information out of the code needs QR code reader, which could be also downloaded free of charge.

Even though smartphones are relatively new technology, use of QR codes in combina-tion with QR codes reader applicacombina-tion for smartphones will become standard, that’s why it is quite important to go ahead with time and augment reality.

Figure7 – QR technology in practice

In order to implement QR technology in practice there are few steps that should be fol-lowed. First one is generation of the code. QR code generator in order to be popularized became available of internet free of charge. Generator consists of a field where URL which leads to picture, website, or just plain text should be inserted. Input form should be con-firmed with the click on the button ‘generate’. Generator creates a QR code, which should be printed and posted on a visible physical place.

Tourists should use their smartphones with cameras to take a picture of the particu-lar QR code and using a simple piece of software and internet they should be transferred to the website, document, clip or picture which contains information about the object.

Advantages of this principle are visible – QR codes spare time for explanation and there is no risk that guide could forget to say something about the historical object visited.

QR code translator recognizes code of size 4 x 4 inches from the distance of 4 feet and they appear next to the objects, business cards, buses, billboards, etc.

Disadvantages are clearly visible users need to have a smartphone with camera. At this moment only smartphones have the capability to support QR reader software. But the comforting fact is that QR technology is recently introduced and number of its users is constantly rising.