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Dual φ -Divergence Estimates


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Volume 2012, Article ID 834107,33pages doi:10.1155/2012/834107

Research Article

General Bootstrap for

Dual φ -Divergence Estimates

Salim Bouzebda

1, 2

and Mohamed Cherfi


1Laboratoire de Math´ematiques Appliqu´ees, Universit´e de Technologie de Compi`egne, B.P. 529, 60205 Compi`egne Cedex, France

2LSTA, Universit´e Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France

Correspondence should be addressed to Salim Bouzebda,salim.bouzebda@upmc.fr Received 30 May 2011; Revised 29 September 2011; Accepted 16 October 2011 Academic Editor: Rongling Wu

Copyrightq2012 S. Bouzebda and M. Cherfi. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

A general notion of bootstrappedφ-divergence estimates constructed by exchangeably weighting sample is introduced. Asymptotic properties of these generalized bootstrapped φ-divergence estimates are obtained, by means of the empirical process theory, which are applied to construct the bootstrap confidence set with asymptotically correct coverage probability. Some of practical problems are discussed, including, in particular, the choice of escort parameter, and several examples of divergences are investigated. Simulation results are provided to illustrate the finite sample performance of the proposed estimators.

1. Introduction

The φ-divergence modeling has proved to be a flexible tool and provided a powerful statistical modeling framework in a variety of applied and theoretical contextsrefer to1–4 and the references therein. For good recent sources of references to the research literature in this area along with statistical applications, consult 2, 5. Unfortunately, in general, the limiting distribution of the estimators, or their functionals, based on φ-divergences depends crucially on the unknown distribution, which is a serious problem in practice. To circumvent this matter, we will propose, in this work, a general bootstrap ofφ-divergence- based estimators and study some of its properties by means of sophisticated empirical process techniques. A major application for an estimator is in the calculation of confidence intervals.

By far the most favored confidence interval is the standard confidence interval based on a normal or a Student’s t-distribution. Such standard intervals are useful tools, but they are based on an approximation that can be quite inaccurate in practice. Bootstrap procedures are an attractive alternative. One way to look at them is as procedures for handling data


when one is not willing to make assumptions about the parameters of the populations from which one sampled. The most that one is willing to assume is that the data are a reasonable representation of the population from which they come. One then resamples from the data and draws inferences about the corresponding population and its parameters. The resulting confidence intervals have received the most theoretical study of any topic in the bootstrap analysis.

Our main findings, which are analogous to that of Cheng and Huang6, are summa- rized as follows. Theφ-divergence estimatorαφθand the bootstrapφ-divergence estimator

αφθ are obtained by optimizing the objective functionhθ, αbased on the independent and identically distributedi.i.dobservations X1, . . . ,Xnand the bootstrap sample X1, . . . ,Xn, respectively,

αφθ:arg sup


1 n

n i1

hθ, α,Xi,

αφθ:arg sup


1 n

n i1


θ, α,Xi ,


where X1, . . . ,Xnare independent draws with replacement from the original sample. We will mention thatαφθcan alternatively be expressed as

αφθ arg sup


1 n

n i1

Wnihθ, α,Xi, 1.2

where the bootstrap weights are given by

Wn1, . . . , Wnn∼Multinomial

n;n−1, . . . , n−1

. 1.3

In this paper, we will consider the more general exchangeable bootstrap weighting scheme that includes Efron’s bootstrap7,8. The general resampling scheme was first proposed in 9and extensively studied by Bickel and Freedman10, who suggested the name “weighted bootstrap”; for example, Bayesian Bootstrap whenWn1, . . . , Wnn Dn1, . . . , Dnnis equal in distribution to the vector ofnspacings ofn−1 ordered uniform0,1random variables, that is,

Dn1, . . . , Dnn∼Dirichletn; 1, . . . ,1. 1.4

The interested reader may refer to11. The case

Dn1, . . . , Dnn∼Dirichletn; 4, . . . ,4 1.5 was considered in 12, Remark 2.3 and 13, Remark 5. The Bickel and Freedman result concerning the empirical process has been subsequently generalized for empirical processes based on observations in Rd, d > 1 as well as in very general sample spaces and for various set and function-indexed random objectssee, e.g.,14–18. In this framework,19


developed similar results for a variety of other statistical functions. This line of research was continued in the work of20,21. There is a huge literature on the application of the bootstrap methodology to nonparametric kernel density and regression estimation, among other statistical procedures, and it is not the purpose of this paper to survey this extensive literature. This being said, it is worthwhile mentioning that the bootstrap as per Efron’s original formulationsee7presents some drawbacks. Namely, some observations may be used more than once while others are not sampled at all. To overcome this difficulty, a more general formulation of the bootstrap has been devised: the weightedor smoothbootstrap, which has also been shown to be computationally more efficient in several applications. We may refer to22–24. Holmes and Reinert25provided new proofs for many known results about the convergence in law of the bootstrap distribution to the true distribution of smooth statistics employing the techniques based on Stein’s method for empirical processes. Note that other variations of Efron’s bootstrap are studied in 26 using the term “generalized bootstrap.” The practical usefulness of the more general scheme is well documented in the literature. For a survey of further results on weighted bootstrap, the reader is referred to 27.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In the forthcoming section we recall the estimation procedure based onφ-divergences. The bootstrap of φ-divergence estimators is introduced, in detail, and their asymptotic properties are given in Section 3.

In Section 4, we provide some examples explaining the computation of the φ-divergence estimators. In Section 5, we illustrate how to apply our results in the context of right censoring.Section 6provides simulation results in order to illustrate the performance of the proposed estimators. To avoid interrupting the flow of the presentation, all mathematical developments are relegated to the appendix.

2. Dual Divergence-Based Estimates

The class of dual divergence estimators has been recently introduced by Keziou 28 and Broniatowski and Keziou 1. Recall that the φ-divergence between a bounded signed measureQand a probability measurePonD, whenQis absolutely continuous with respect toP, is defined by


Dφ dQ dP

dP, 2.1

whereφ·is a convex function from−∞,∞to0,∞withφ1 0. We will consider only φ-divergences for which the functionφ·is strictly convex and satisfies the domain ofφ·, domφ:{x∈R:φx<∞}is an interval with end points

aφ<1< bφ, φ aφ



φx, φ




φx. 2.2

The Kullback-Leibler, modified Kullback-Leibler,χ2, modifiedχ2, and Hellinger divergences are examples ofφ-divergences; they are obtained, respectively, for φx xlogxx1, φx −logxx−1,φx 1/2x−12,φx 1/2x−12/x, andφx 2√



The squared Le Cam distancesometimes called the Vincze-Le Cam distanceandL1-error are obtained, respectively, for

φx x−12

2x−1, φx |x−1|. 2.3

We extend the definition of these divergences on the whole space of all bounded signed measures via the extension of the definition of the correspondingφ·functions on the whole real spaceRas follows: whenφ·is not well defined onRor well defined but not convex onR, we setφx ∞for allx <0. Notice that, for theχ2-divergence, the corresponding φ·function is defined on wholeRand strictly convex. All the above examples are particular cases of the so-called “power divergences,” introduced by Cressie and Read29 see also4, Chapter 2, and also R´enyi’s paper30is to be mentioned here, which are defined through the class of convex real-valued functions, forγinR\ {0,1},

x∈R −→φγx: xγγxγ−1 γ

γ−1 , 2.4

φ0x : −logx x − 1, andφ1x : xlogxx 1.For allγ ∈ R, we defineφγ0 : limx↓0φγx.So, the KL-divergence is associated toφ1, the KLmtoφ0, theχ2toφ2, theχ2mto φ−1, and the Hellinger distance toφ1/2. In the monograph by4, the reader may find detailed ingredients of the modeling theory as well as surveys of the commonly used divergences.

Let{Pθ :θΘ}be some identifiable parametric model withΘa compact subset of Rd. Consider the problem of estimation of the unknown true value of the parameterθ0 on the basis of an i.i.d sample X1, . . . ,Xn. We will assume that the observed data are from the probability spaceX,A,Pθ0. Letφ·be a function of classC2, strictly convex such that

φ dPθx dPαx

dPθx<∞, ∀α∈Θ. 2.5

As it is mentioned in1, if the functionφ·satisfies the following conditions:

there exists 0< δ <1 such that for allcin1−δ,1δ, we can find numbersc1, c2, c3 such that

φcxc1φx c2|x|c3, ∀realx,


then the assumption2.5is satisfied wheneverDφθ, α<∞, whereDφθ, αstands for the φ-divergence betweenPθ andPα; refer to 31, Lemma 3.2. Also the real convex functions φ· 2.4, associated with the class of power divergences, all satisfy the condition 2.5, including all standard divergences. Under assumption2.5, using Fenchel duality technique, the divergenceDφθ, θ0can be represented as resulting from an optimization procedure, this result was elegantly proved in1,3,28. Broniatowski and Keziou31called it the dual form of a divergence, due to its connection with convex analysis. According to3, under the strict convexity and the differentiability of the functionφ·, it holds

φtφs φst−s, 2.7


where the equality holds only fors t. Letθandθ0 be fixed, and putt dPθx/dPθ0x andsdPθx/dPαxin2.7, and then integrate with respect toPθ0, to obtain

Dφθ, θ0:

φ dPθ dPθ0

dPθ0 sup


hθ, αdPθ0, 2.8

wherehθ, α,·: xhθ, α,xand

hθ, α,x:

φ dPθ dPα



dPαxφ dPθx dPαx

φ dPθx dPαx

. 2.9

Furthermore, the supremum in this display2.8is unique and reached inαθ0, indepen- dently upon the value ofθ. Naturally, a class of estimators ofθ0, called “dualφ-divergence estimators”DφDEs, is defined by

αφθ:arg sup

α∈ΘPnhθ, α, θΘ, 2.10

wherehθ, αis the function defined in2.9and, for a measurable functionf·,

Pnf :n−1 n


fXi. 2.11

The class of estimatorsαφθsatisfies




0. 2.12

Formula2.10defines a family ofM-estimators indexed by the functionφ·specifying the divergence and by some instrumental value of the parameterθ. Theφ-divergence estimators are motivated by the fact that a suitable choice of the divergence may lead to an estimate more robust than the maximum likelihood estimatorMLEone; see32. Toma and Broniatowski 33 studied the robustness of the DφDEs through the influence function approach; they treated numerous examples of location-scale models and give sufficient conditions for the robustness of DφDEs. We recall that the maximum likelihood estimate belongs to the class of estimates2.10. Indeed, it is obtained whenφx −logxx−1, that is, as the dual modified KLm-divergence estimate. Observe thatφx −1/x1 andx−φx logx, and hence

hθ, αdPn

log dPθ


dPn. 2.13


Keeping in mind definitions2.10, we get

αKLmθ arg sup


log dPθ dPα


arg sup




independently uponθ.

3. Asymptotic Properties

In this section, we will establish the consistency of bootstrapping under general conditions in the framework of dual divergence estimation. Define, for a measurable functionf·,

Pnf : 1 n

n i1

WnifXi, 3.1

whereWni’s are the bootstrap weights defined on the probability spaceW,Ω,PW. In view of2.10, the bootstrap estimator can be rewritten as

αφθ:arg sup

α∈ΘPnhθ, α. 3.2

The definition ofαφθ, defined in3.2, implies that Pn



0. 3.3

The bootstrap weightsWni’s are assumed to belong to the class of exchangeable bootstrap weights introduced in23. In the sequel, the transpose of a vector x will be denoted by x. We will assume the following conditions.

W.1The vectorWn Wn1, . . . , Wnn is exchangeable for all n 1,2, . . .; that is, for any permutationπ π1, . . . , πnof1, . . . , n, the joint distribution of πWn W1, . . . , Wnis the same as that of Wn.

W.2Wni0 for alln,iandn

i1Wninfor alln.

W.3lim supn→ ∞Wn12,1C <∞, where Wn12,1


PWWn1udu. 3.4

W.4One has

λ→ ∞lim lim sup

n→ ∞sup


t2PWWn1> t 0. 3.5

W.5 1/nn

i1Wni−12 −−−→PW c2>0.


In Efron’s nonparametric bootstrap, the bootstrap sample is drawn from the nonparametric estimate of the true distribution, that is, empirical distribution. Thus, it is easy to show that Wn ∼ Multinomialn;n−1, . . . , n−1 and conditionsW.1–W.5 are satisfied.

In general, conditions W.3–W.5 are easily satisfied under some moment conditions on Wni; see 23, Lemma 3.1. In addition to Efron’s nonparametric bootstrap, the sampling schemes that satisfy conditions W.1–W.5 include Bayesian bootstrap, Multiplier bootstrap, Double bootstrap, and Urn bootstrap. This list is sufficiently long to indicate that conditions W.1–W.5, are not unduly restrictive. Notice that the value ofcinW.5is independent of nand depends on the resampling method, for example,c1 for the nonparametric bootstrap and Bayesian bootstrap andc

2 for the double bootstrap. A more precise discussion of this general formulation of the bootstrap can be found in23,34,35.

There exist two sources of randomness for the bootstrapped quantity, that is,αφθ:

the first comes from the observed data and the second is due to the resampling done by the bootstrap, that is, randomWni’s. Therefore, in order to rigorously state our main theoretical results for the general bootstrap of φ-divergence estimates, we need to specify relevant probability spaces and define stochastic orders with respect to relevant probability measures.

Following 6, 36, we will view Xi as the ith coordinate projection from the canonical probability spaceX,A,Pθ

0onto theith copy ofX. For the joint randomness involved, the product probability space is defined as



X× W,A×Ω,Pθ0×PW

. 3.6

Throughout the paper, we assume that the bootstrap weightsWni’s are independent of the data Xi’s, thus

PXWPθ0×PW. 3.7

Given a real-valued functionΔndefined on the above product probability space, for example,

αφθ, we say thatΔnis of an orderOoP

W1inPθ0-probability if, for any , η >0, asn → 0, Pθ0

PW|Xon|> > η

−→0 3.8

and thatΔnis of an orderOPo

W1inPθ0-probability if, for anyη >0, there exists a 0< M <∞ such that, asn → 0,


PW|Xon| ≥M> η

−→0, 3.9

where the superscript “o” denotes the outer probability; see34for more details on outer probability measures. For more details on stochastic orders, the interested reader may refer to6, in particular, Lemma 3 of the cited reference.

To establish the consistency of αφθ, the following conditions are assumed in our analysis.


A.1One has

Pθ0hθ, θ0> sup

α/∈Nθ0Pθ0hθ, α 3.10

for any open set0Θcontainingθ0. A.2One has


α∈Θ|Pnhθ, α−Pθ0hθ, α|−−−−→PoXW 0. 3.11 The following theorem gives the consistency of the bootstrapped estimate αφθ.

Theorem 3.1. Assume that conditions (A.1) and (A.2) hold. Suppose that conditions (A.3)–(A.5) and (W.1)–(W.5) hold. Thenαφθis a consistent estimate ofθ0; that is,

αφθ−−−→PoW θ0 inPθ0-probability. 3.12 The proof ofTheorem 3.1is postponed until the appendix.

We need the following definitions; refer to 34,37among others. If F is a class of functions for which, we have almost surely,



Pnf−Pf−→0, 3.13

then we say thatFis aP-Glivenko-Cantelli class of functions. IfFis a class of functions for which


nPn−P−→G inF, 3.14

where G is a mean-zero P-Brownian bridge process with uniformly continuous sample paths with respect to the semimetricρPf, g, defined by

ρ2P f, g



, 3.15

then we say thatFis aP-Donsker class of functions. Here


v:F −→R| vFsup





and G is a P-Brownian bridge process on F if it is a mean-zero Gaussian process with covariance function


f G


Pfg− Pf


. 3.17


Remark 3.2. iConditionA.1is the “well-separated” condition, compactness of the param- eter space Θ and the continuity of divergence imply that the optimum is well separated, provided the parametric model is identified; see37, Theorem 5.7.

iiConditionA.2holds if the class

{hθ, α:αΘ} 3.18

is shown to beP-Glivenko-Cantelli, by applying34, Lemma 3.6.16and6, Lemma A.1.

For any fixedδn>0, define the class of functionsHnand ˙Hnas Hn:

∂αhθ, α:α−θ0δn


n: 2

∂α2hθ, α:α−θ0δn



We will say a class of functions H ∈ MPθ0 if H possesses enough measurability for randomization with i.i.d multipliers to be possible, that is,Pn can be randomized, in other words, we can replaceδXi−Pθ0byWni−1δXi. It is known thatH ∈MPθ0, for example, if His countable, if{Pn}n are stochastically separable inH, or ifHis image admissible Suslin;

see21, pages 853 and 854.

To state our result concerning the asymptotic normality, we will assume the following additional conditions.

A.3The matrices

V :Pθ0

∂αhθ, θ0

∂αhθ, θ0,



∂α2hθ, θ0


are nonsingular.

A.4The classHnMPθ0L2Pθ0and isP-Donsker.

A.5The class ˙HnMPθ0L2Pθ0and isP-Donsker.

Conditions A.4 and A.5 ensure that the “size” of the function classesHn and ˙Hn are reasonable so that the bootstrapped empirical processes


nPn−Pn 3.21

indexed, respectively, by Hn and ˙Hn, have a limiting process conditional on the original observations; we refer, for instance, to23, Theorem 2.2. The main result to be proved here may now be stated precisely as follows.


Theorem 3.3. Assume thatαφθandαφθfulfil2.12and3.3, respectively. In addition suppose that

αφθ−−−→Pθ0 θ0, αφθ−−−→PoW θ0 inPθ0-probability. 3.22

Assume that conditions (A.3)–(A.5) and (W.1)–(W.5) hold. Then one has αφθ−θ0OoP




inPθ0-probability. Furthermore,




∂αhθ, θ0 ooP

W1 3.24

inPθ0-probability. Consequently, sup






−PN0,Σ≤x oPθ

01, 3.25

where “≤” is taken componentwise and “c” is given in (W.5), whose value depends on the used sampling scheme, and

Σ≡S−1V S−1

, 3.26

whereSandV are given in condition (A.3). Thus, one has




n c





x−−−→Pθ0 0. 3.27

The proof ofTheorem 3.1is captured in the forthcoming appendix.

Remark 3.4. Note that an appropriate choice of the bootstrap weights Wni’s implicates a smaller limit variance; that is,c2 is smaller than 1. For instance, typical examples are i.i.d- weighted bootstraps and the multivariate hypergeometric bootstrap; refer to23, Examples 3.1 and 3.4.

Following6, we will illustrate how to apply our results to construct the confidence sets. A lower th quantile of bootstrap distribution is defined to be anyqn ∈Rdfulfilling

qn :inf

x :PW|Xn


, 3.28

where x is an infimum over the given set only if there does not exist a x1<x inRdsuch that PW|Xn


. 3.29


Keep in mind the assumed regularity conditions on the criterion function, that is,hθ, αin the present framework, we can, without loss of generality, suppose that



. 3.30

Making use of the distribution consistency result given in3.27, we can approximate the th quantile of the distribution of


by qn αφθ

c . 3.31

Therefore, we define the percentile-type bootstrap confidence set as

C :

αφθ qn /2αφθ

c ,αφθ qn1− /2αφθ c

. 3.32

In a similar manner, the th quantile ofnαφθ−θ0can be approximated byqn , where

qn is the th quantile of the hybrid quantity

n/cαφθ−αφθ, that is,


n c



. 3.33

Note that


n c

qn αφθ

. 3.34

Thus, the hybrid-type bootstrap confidence set would be defined as follows:

C :

αφθ−qn1− /2

n ,αφθ−qn /2


. 3.35

Note thatqn andqn are not unique by the fact that we assumeθis a vector. Recall that, for any x∈Rd,




−→Ψx, PW|Xn

n c


x Pθ0

−−−→Ψx, 3.36


Ψx PN0,Σ≤x. 3.37


According to the quantile convergence theorem, that is,37, Lemma 21.1, we have, almost surely,

qn −−−−→PXW Ψ−1 . 3.38

When applying quantile convergence theorem, we use the almost sure representation, that is,37, Theorem 2.19, and argue along subsequences. Considering Slutsky’s Theorem which ensures that



qn /2weakly converges toN0,Σ−Ψ−1 /2, 3.39

we further have


θ0αφθ−qn /2





qn /2


N0,Σ≥Ψ−1 2




The above arguments prove the consistency of the hybrid-type bootstrap confidence set, that is,3.42, and can also be applied to the percentile-type bootstrap confidence set, that is,3.41.

For an in-depth study and more rigorous proof, we may refer to37, Lemma 23.3. The above discussion may be summarized as follows.

Corollary 3.5. Under the conditions inTheorem 3.3, one has, asn → ∞,


αφθ qn /2αφθ

cθ0αφθ qn1− /2αφθ c

−→1− , 3.41


αφθ−qn1− /2

nθ0αφθ−qn /2


−→1− . 3.42

It is well known that the above bootstrap confidence sets can be obtained easily through routine bootstrap sampling.

Remark 3.6. Notice that the choice of weights depends on the problem at hand: accuracy of the estimation of the entire distribution of the statistic, accuracy of a confidence interval, accuracy in large deviation sense, and accuracy for a finite sample size; we may refer to38and the references therein for more details. Barbe and Bertail27indicate that the area where the weighted bootstrap clearly performs better than the classical bootstrap is in term of coverage accuracy.


3.1. On the Choice of the Escort Parameter

The very peculiar choice of the escort parameter defined through θ θ0 has the same limit properties as the MLE one. The DφDEαφθ0, in this case, has variance which indeed coincides with the MLE one; see, for instance,28, Theorem 2.2,1 b. This result is of some relevance, since it leaves open the choice of the divergence, while keeping good asymptotic properties. For data generated from the distributionN0,1,Figure 1shows that the global maximum of the empirical criterion Pnhθn,α is zero, independently of the value of the escort parameter θn the sample mean X n−1n

i1Xi, inFigure 1a and the median in Figure 1bfor all the considered divergences which is in agreement with the result of39, Theorem 6, where it is showed that all differentiable divergences produce the same estimator of the parameter on any regular exponential family, in particular the normal models, which is the MLE one, provided that the conditions2.6andDφθ, α<∞are satisfied.

Unlike the case of data without contamination, the choice of the escort parameter is crucial in the estimation method in the presence of outliers. We plot inFigure 2the empirical criterionPnhθn,α, where the data are generated from the distribution

1−0,1 δ10, 3.43 where 0.1,θ00, andδxstands for the Dirac measure atx. Under contamination, when we take the empirical “mean,”θn X, as the value of the escort parameterθ,Figure 2a shows how the global maximum of the empirical criterionPnhθn,αshifts from zero to the contamination point. In Figure 2b, the choice of the “median” as escort parameter value leads to the position of the global maximum remaining close toα0, for Hellingerγ0.5, χ2γ 2, and KL-divergenceγ 1, while the criterion associated to the KLm-divergence γ0, the maximum is the MLEis still affected by the presence of outliers.

In practice, the consequence is that if the data are subject to contamination the escort parameter should be chosen as a robust estimator ofθ0, sayθn. For more details about the performances of dualφ-divergence estimators for normal density models, we refer to40.

4. Examples

Keep in mind the definitions 2.8 and 2.9. In what follows, for easy reference and completeness, we give some usual examples of divergences, discussed in41,42, of diver- gences and the associated estimates; we may refer also to43for more examples and details.

iOur first example is the Kullback-Leibler divergence:

φx xlogxx1, φx logx, x−φx x−1.


The estimate ofDKLθ, θ0is given by DKLθ, θ0 sup


log dPθ


dPθ− dPθ

dPα −1


, 4.2


0 0


1 2







γ=0.5 γ=1

γ=2 α


γ=0(MLE) a


γ=0.5 γ=1

γ=2 0






0 1 2



α γ=0(MLE) Pnh(θn)

b Figure 1: Criterion for the normal location model.

and the estimate of the parameterθ0, with escort parameterθ, is defined as follows:

αKLθ:arg sup


log dPθ dPα

dPθ− dPθ dPα −1


. 4.3

iiThe second one is theχ2-divergence:

φx 1

2x−12, φx x−1, x−φx 1

2x−1 2.


The estimate ofDχ2θ, θ0is given by Dχ2θ, θ0 sup


dPθ dPα−1

dPθ− 1 2

dPθ dPα




, 4.5

and the estimate of the parameterθ0, with escort parameterθ, is defined by

αχ2θ:arg sup



dPα −1

dPθ− 1 2


dPα 2



. 4.6


0 1





0 1 2




γ=0.5 γ=1

γ=2 Pnh(θn)




γ=0.5 γ=1

γ=2 0






0 1 2

−2 −1

α γ=0(MLE) Pnh(θn)


b Figure 2: Criterion for the normal location model under contamination.

iiiAnother example is the Hellinger divergence:

φx 2√ x−12

, φx 2− 1

x, x−φx 2√



The estimate ofDHθ, θ0is given by DHθ, θ0 sup




!dPα dPθ



!dPθ dPα −1



, 4.8

and the estimate of the parameterθ0, with escort parameterθ, is defined by

αHθ:arg sup









dPα −1



. 4.9

ivAll the above examples are particular cases of the so-called “power divergences,”

which are defined through the class of convex real-valued functions, forγ inR\ {0,1},

x∈R −→ϕγx: xγγxγ−1 γ

γ−1 . 4.10


The estimate ofDγθ, θ0is given by

Dγθ, θ0 sup


1 γ−1

dPθ dPα



dPθ− 1


dPθ dPα




, 4.11

and the parameter estimate is defined by

αγθ:−arg sup


1 γ−1


dPα γ−1


dPθ− 1



dPα γ



. 4.12

Remark 4.1. The computation of the estimateαφθ requires calculus of the integral in the formula 2.9. This integral can be explicitly calculated for the most standard parametric models. Below, we give a closed-form expression for Normal, log-Normal, Exponential, Gamma, Weibull, and Pareto density models. Hence, the computation of αφθ can be performed by any standard nonlinear optimization code. Unfortunately, the explicit formula ofαφθ, generally, cannot be derived, which also is the case for the ML method. In practical problems, to obtain the estimateαφθ, one can use the Newton-Raphson algorithm taking as initial point the escort parameter θ. This algorithm is a powerful technique for solving equations numerically, performs well since the objective functionsαΘ → Pθ0hθ, αare concave and the estimated parameter is unique for functionsαΘ→Pnhθ, α; for instance, refer to1, Remark 3.5.

4.1. Example of Normal Density

Consider the case of power divergences and the Normal model

N θ, σ2

: θ, σ2


. 4.13


pθ,σx 1 σ

2π exp

−1 2

xθ σ


. 4.14

Simple calculus gives, forγinR\ {0,1},

1 γ−1

dPθ,σ1x dPα,σ2x



1 γ−1

σ−γ−11 σγ2 γσ22

γ−1 σ21 exp

γ γ−1

θ−α2 2






This yields

Dγθ, σ10,σ0




⎪⎩ 1 γ−1

σ−γ−11 σγ2 γσ22

γ−1 σ21exp

γ γ−1

θ−α2 2



− 1 γn

n i1





γ 2

Xiθ σ1


Xiα σ2


− 1 γ




In the particular case,Pθ≡ Nθ,1, it follows that, forγ ∈R\ {0,1},

Dγθ, θ0:sup


hθ, αdPn



1 γ−1exp

γ γ−1

θ−α2 2

− 1 γn

n i1




− 1 γ





DKLmθ, θ0:sup


hθ, αdPnsup


1 2n

n i1


, 4.18

which leads to the maximum likelihood estimate independently uponθ.


DKLθ, θ0:sup


hθ, αdPn




2θ−α2− 1 n

n i1







4.2. Example of Log-Normal Density

Consider the case of power divergences and the log-Normal model

pθ,σx 1

2π exp

−1 2

logx−θ σ

2 :

θ, σ2

Θ R×R, x >0

. 4.20


Simple calculus gives, forγinR\ {0,1}, 1


dPθ,σ1x dPα,σ2x



1 γ−1

σ−γ−11 σγ2 γσ22

γ−1 σ21 exp

γ γ−1

θ−α2 2





This yields

Dγθ, σ10,σ0




⎪⎩ 1 γ−1

σ−γ−11 σγ2 γσ22

γ−1 σ21exp

γ γ−1

θ−α2 2



− 1 γn

n i1



γ exp

γ 2

logXiθ σ1


− logXiα σ2


− 1 γ


. 4.22

4.3. Example of Exponential Density

Consider the case of power divergences and the Exponential model (pθx θexp−θx:θ∈Θ R)

. 4.23

We have, forγinR\ {0,1}, 1


dPθx dPαx


dPθxdx θ α


θ θγ


α γ−12

. 4.24

Then, using this last equality, one finds Dγθ, θ0 sup


θ α


θ θγ


α γ−12

− 1 γn

n i1

θ α

γ exp(


− 1 γ




In more general case, we may consider the Gamma density combined with the power diver- gence. The Gamma model is defined by


Γk :k,θ≥0

, 4.26


whereΓ·is the Gamma function



xk−1exp−xdx. 4.27

Simple calculus gives, forγinR\ {0,1},

1 γ−1

dPθ;kx dPα;kx


dPθ;kxdx θ α

kγ−1 θ θγα

γ−1 k


γ−1, 4.28

which implies that

Dγθ, θ0 sup



θ α

kγ−1 θ θγα

γ−1 k

1 γ−1

− 1 γn

n i1

θ α



− 1 γ




4.4. Example of Weibull Density

Consider the case of power divergences and the Weibull density model, with the assumption thatk∈Ris known andθis the parameter of interest to be estimated, and recall that

pθx k θ

x θ

k−1 exp

x θ


:θΘ R, x≥0

. 4.30

Routine algebra gives, forγinR\ {0,1},

1 γ−1

dPθ;kx dPα;kx


dPθ;kxdx α θ


1 γ−θ/αk

γ−1 1

γ−1, 4.31

which implies that

Dγθ, θ0 sup



1 γ−θ/αk

γ−1 1


− 1 γn

n i1

α θ


−γ Xi

θ k


α k

− 1 γ





4.5. Example of the Pareto Density

Consider the case of power divergences and the Pareto density

pθx: θ

xθ1 :x >1; θ∈R

. 4.33

Simple calculus gives, forγinR\ {0,1}, 1


dPθx dPαx


dPθxdx θ α


θ θγ


α γ−12

. 4.34

As before, using this last equality, one finds Dγθ, θ0 sup


θ α


θ θγ



− 1 γn

n i1

θ α


X{−γθ−α}i − 1 γ





DKLmθ, θ0:sup


hθ, αdPn



−1 n

n i1

log θ





which leads to the maximum likelihood estimate, given by 1

n n


logXi −1

, 4.37

independently uponθ.

Remark 4.2. The choice of divergence, that is, the statistical criterion, depends crucially on the problem at hand. For example, the χ2-divergence among various divergences in the nonstandard problem e.g., boundary problem estimation is more appropriate. The idea is to include the parameter domain Θ into an enlarged space, say Θe, in order to render the boundary value an interior point of the new parameter space, Θe. Indeed, Kullback- Leibler, modified Kullback-Leibler, modifiedχ2, and Hellinger divergences are infinite when dQ/dPtakes negative values on nonnegligiblewith respect toPsubset of the support ofP, since the correspondingφ·is infinite on−∞,0, whenθbelongs toΘe\Θ. This problem does not hold in the case of χ2-divergence, in fact, the corresponding φ· is finite on R;

for more details refer to41, 42,44, and consult also 1,45 for related matter. It is well


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