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New Zealand


Academic year: 2022

Podíl "New Zealand"


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New Zealand


Main information

• Is a sovereign island country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean

• It consists of 2 large islands, North island and South island are seperate from each other by Cooks kyle

• The capital city is Wellington

• The largest city is Auckland

• The characteristics of the New Zealand are evergreen forest with warm climate



It is located at the south-western tip of the North Island


Like in Australie we can find here unique kinds of plants and animals, which do not grow and do not live anywhere in the world

Plants-Pohutukawa, Kowhai, “Mount Cook“


About a quarter of New Zealand is forested in areas which are largely protected from commmercialisation in national parks.



The typical animal is kiwi- a bird with a long narow beak with nostrils at the tip

Also mountain parrots, Kakapo-worlds largest parrot

Albatrosses, gannets and penguins


Lord of the rings

Film makers often use the countryside for making films, the Oscar winning movie Lord of the rings was shot there.


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