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Academic year: 2022

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Assessment of Bachelor Thesis – Opponent

Study programme:International Economic Relations Field of study:International Business

Academic year:2020/2021

Bachelor Thesis Topic:Women and Leadership: Breaking the Nordic Gender Glass Ceiling Author’s name:Emilia Riitaoja

Ac. Consultant’s Name:doc. Ing. Zuzana Křečková Kroupová, M.A., Ph.D.

Opponent:Ing. Jitka Volfová, Ph.D.

Criterion Mark


1. Overall objective achievement 1

2. Logical structure 1

3. Using of literature, citations 1

4. Adequacy of methods used 2

5. Depth of analysis 2

6. Self-reliance of author 2

7. Formal requirements: text, graphs, tables 2

8. Language and stylistics 1

Comments and Questions:

The author chose a very relevant up-to-date topic of gender equality within leading positions.

The goal of the thesis is to answer the question, why the Nordic countries are top-performers in gender equality indexes but far behind the top positions when measuring the share of women in managerial positions. To fulfil the goal two research questions are formulated and secondary as well as primary data are used.

The thesis is very clearly and logically divided into 5 chapters. The first three chapters show interesting results of monitoring a rich body of sources including scientific articles. First, the topic of gender equality is introduced focusing on Nordic Countries’ equality policies and gender equality measures. Second, the Gender Glass ceiling is explored. Global, as well as Nordic situation, is covered. Third, the work-family conflict is exercised.

The fourth chapter introduces the research methods used to reach the goal. Both the secondary as well as primary data are used. Qualitative primary data are collected by interviews. I appreciate the author tried to use the statistical analysis while searching for correlations however the usage of the Pearson´s correlation coefficient is more than questionable for such a small sample (n=10). I suggest it is explained during the defence based on what the required sample size was considered sufficient. On the other hand, I consider the structure of interviews very relevant enabling the author to bring interesting findings. To be able to generalize those could be tested on a bigger sample.

From the formal point of view, equations in the text should be labeled and sourced similarly like tables and graphs.

Chapter five brings research outcomes and offers a discussion. Although other methods could be suggested to reach the goal based especially on the work with sources together with the qualitative research I suggest the best score.

Questions and Discussion:

1) What are your work-family expectations?

2) Does the presence of women among leading positions differ according to age? Is there some difference in age at which male and female on average reach leading positions?


Conclusion: The Bachelor Thesis is recommended for the defence.

Suggested Grade: 1

Date: 02/06/2021 Ing. Jitka Volfová, Ph.D.



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