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• propaganda should be aimed at creating an image of a successful business person who has high moral values;

• stability is a guarantee of achieving the set goals and success of the company;

• cooperation with trade unions, the state, and other business entities contributes to the growth of the firm's positive image and the high level of morale of the corporation;

• social responsibility involves business response to social problems [2].

To improve ethical behavior in companies, a global manager should use the following tools:

Fig. 2. Tools of ethical behavior of a global manager

The social responsibility of corporate management to society is also realized in cooperation with the local population in such forms as:

• participation of local capital in the development of subsidiaries and in their profits;

• creation of jobs;

• transfer of the latest technology;

• solving environmental problems;

• various charitable activities, etc [3, 120].

For a global manager, identifying the causes of unethical behavior should be an important issue. In particular:

• insufficient legislative and regulatory framework;

• significant volume of "shadow" economy;

• competitive struggle that pushes ethical considerations to the background;

• growing desire to report the level of profitability for increasingly shorter periods, that is, in each quarterly report;

ethical standards (codes) that describe the general system of values, ethical rules

that the company's employees must follow;

ethics committees that carry out daily assessment of practice from the standpoint of ethical requirements.

social audits, which are conducted to analyze

and evaluate the company's social responsibility reports

and programs;

training in ethical behavior of managers

and rank-and-file employees.



• lack of proper stimulation of ethical behavior of managers;

• general decline in the role of ethics in society;

• certain pressure on rank-and-file employees from the organization in order to find compromises between their values and the values of top management;

• low moral qualities of society members [3, 124].

Thus, ethics imposes certain restrictions on business, which are the sum of moral and ethical rules and traditions that have developed in this society.

National traditions and cultural values are a matter of pride in many countries.

Today, when the world is becoming more homogeneous, this factor of international economic relations acquires even greater importance, since information about foreign countries has become available, and ignorance in these matters is unacceptable.

For example, good manners for a British person are based on compliance with formalities. It is considered unacceptable to address people to whom you are not represented, as well as to call by name someone from whom you have not received the appropriate permission. Britons rarely shake hands, except when meeting for the first time [1, 63].

In England, the layer of businessmen is insignificant and is replenished mainly from families that have been engaged in entrepreneurial activities for several decades.

British businessmen are among the most skilled in the business world, and the financial and commodity sectors of British business are virtually unrivaled. Joint attendance at spectacular events (tennis tournaments, equestrian competitions) contributes to the establishment of economic ties with the British. But it should be borne in mind that in England it is not accepted to talk about business after work. It is also important not to forget about signs of attention to those with whom you previously met or negotiated.

A postcard for a holiday or birthday will raise the authority of a partners [2].

The French are characterized by extreme nationalism. Hence their reluctance to learn foreign languages. They are proud of their national traditions, respect the state and the history of their country. For the French, cuisine is also a matter of national pride: any compliments about the quality of food and drinks are welcome. It is not customary to leave food on the plate, salt the dish to your taste or use spices. This is considered disrespectful to the hosts.

Attention and caution in decision-making are characteristic of French businessmen.

In business, they prefer acquaintances and connections. Therefore, if you want to establish business cooperation with the French, you should have letters of recommendation. In France, it is customary to discuss matters over lunch or dinner.

Sometimes you may be interrupted to make a critical remark or counterargument. This should not be perceived as a manifestation of disrespect - this is the specificity of their negotiations [2].

Germans are distinguished by hard work, diligence, punctuality and rationality.

When communicating with them, it is advisable to mention the title of the interlocutor.

Married women are given the title of her husband.

German businessmen are neat, punctual and thrifty. If our businessmen often bring gifts with them, then it is not worth waiting for appropriate actions from the German side, as this is not accepted for them. Germans have a habit of painting both their



business and private lives by the hour. Therefore, it is advisable to make sure that the partner has written down the day and time of the next meeting. Despite the presence of outsiders in the office, they hide office supplies in a closet or safe. This should not be taken as a sign of disbelief - it is the usual German frugality [2].


1. Етика ділових відносин : навчальний посібник / [Лесько О. Й., Прищак М.

Д., Залюбівська О. Б. та ін. ] – Вінниця : ВНТУ, 2011. – 309 с.

2. Снісар Ю. С., Реуцький М. В. Етика бізнесу та менеджменту: формування етичної та психологічної культури майбутнього менеджера / URL:http://conf.vntu.edu.ua/humed/2010/txt/Snisar_Reutskyi.php

3. Чмут Т. К., Чайка Г. Л., Лукашевич М. П. Етика ділового спілкування. – К.:

МАУП, 2003. – 208 с.