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Posudek oponenta bakalářské práce

Studijní program:Mezinárodní ekonomické vztahy Studijní obor:International Business

Akademický rok:2020/2021

Název práce:Budovaní osobního brandu na sociálních médií Řešitel:Robin Curtis

Vedoucí práce:Ing. Petr Král, Ph.D.

Oponent:Ing. Marija Zlatić, Ph.D.

Hlediska Stupeň


1. Stupeň splnění cíle práce 1

2. Logická stavba práce 1

3. Práce s literaturou, citace 1

4. Adekvátnost použitých metod 1

5. Hloubka analýzy ve vztahu k tématu 2

6. Vlastní přístup k řešení 1

7. Formální úprava práce 1

8. Jazyková a stylistická úprava práce 1

Konkrétní připomínky a dotazy k práci:

In the thesis, the author showed the ability to work, understand and apply the theories of major authors in the field of branding with the main emphasis on brand equity and image building. In chapter II, personal branding and social media are explained. I appreciate that the author successfully combined an authentic personal brand model and story brand framework. Together with Kapferer‘s Brand identity prism, which he applies in chapter III, he further outlines elements necessary for his own personal brand building: target, brand specialization, vision, mission, slogan, values, and story as well as the monetization suggestions.

With all these outlined, the author has fulfilled the aim of the thesis: ”...to suggest a personal brand for online presence.” What I find missing is a more detailed communication strategy of his brand, whether he plans to work on some thematic campaign to generate more followers and spread awareness, timeline, KPI‘s, etc. In conclusion, the thesis is well written, clear, and logical and showed that the author knows how to apply specific branding models to pursue lucrative business. Q1: Would you consider cooperating with membership platforms like asmallworld.com and offer more exclusive content with access to premium targets? Q2: What are your KPI‘s and how are you sourcing initial financing?Q3: Would you consider developing a particular awareness-raising campaign? How would you execute on it?

Závěr: Bakalářskou práci doporučuji k obhajobě.

Navrhovaná výsledná klasifikace práce: 1

Datum: 4. 6. 2021 Ing. Marija Zlatić, Ph.D.

oponent práce


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