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The picture of the world is a complex structured integrity that includes three main components - worldview, world perception, and world feeling. These components are combined in the world picture in a way specific to a given era, ethnicity, or subculture.

The picture of the world is:

• a system of images (and connections between them) - visual representations of the world and the place of a person in it, information about the relationship of a person with reality (with nature, society, another person) and himself;

• life positions of people, their beliefs, ideals, principles of cognition and activity, value orientations, and spiritual guidelines; any significant changes in the picture of the world entail changes in the system of these elements [2].

In the process of education students in grades 1-4, ideas and concepts about the holistic nature of the world, the natural and social environment as the environment of human life, and its belonging to nature and society are formed; natural and social environment as the environment of human life, its belonging to nature and society;

generalized and empirical ideas and concepts that reflect the basic properties and laws of the real world, expand and organize social and cognitive experience are mastered.

The content of the educational programs makes it possible to integrate knowledge about man, nature, and society into a single scientific picture of the world. For this purpose, the programs provide for the mastering of educational information in a concentric manner, which develops, expands, and systematizes children's ideas, enriches their moral experience, and improves their skills. Such a gradual complication of the content, according to N. Bibik, N. Koval, over the years of study will provide a phased approach to the formation of knowledge [3].

Consistent assimilation by primary school students of a holistic system of knowledge about a person and the world around them involves deepening the understanding of reality by concretizing the already acquired knowledge and their further generalization of new content and level, which fully corresponds to the cognitive abilities of primary school children. The holistic picture of the world of a junior schoolchild is constantly changing, deepening, and expanding, so in maturity, it will already differ significantly from the one that was in primary school age.

In our opinion, indicators of the formation of a holistic picture of the world in junior students can be:

- stability, constancy or steadfastness of expressed opinions;

- belief in perceived and appropriated judgments;

- confidence and categorical judgments;

- independent evaluative attitude to an object or phenomenon;

- emotional defence of one's own opinion;

- correspondence of expressive judgments and acts of behaviour.

During the formation of a holistic picture of the world of six-year-old first-graders, we define the following pedagogical conditions, namely:

1. Сreate a favorable educational environment where every student will feel confident.

L. Maksymova emphasizes the need to create an appropriate environment in which the process of forming a scientific picture of the world of students will be more



effective [3]. To accomplish this task, it is important to choose an appropriate manner of communication (voice, facial expressions, gestures, the tempo of movements, etc.), to use special techniques: to address children friendly, to take care that each child feels comfortable in the classroom; to select individual questions.

2. Use an integrated approach in the educational process: to give the child comprehensive knowledge about the world around them.

The scientific picture of the world is determined by the synthesis of different branches of knowledge. At the same time, it is a deeply differentiated and integrated phenomenon and acts only as a means and result of inculturation and identification of the individual, the basis of cognition, thinking, and communication. Therefore, the task of the teacher is to build his work so that students learn to acquire knowledge independently, understanding the relationships that exist in nature and society. To do this, the teacher must be aware of the importance of forming a holistic picture of the world, and have appropriate professional training.

3. Encourage students to their own searches and discoveries, often organizing research activities, excursions, hikes, and meetings; visiting art galleries, museums, and theaters; participating in competitions.

Thus, the formation of a scientific picture of the world of junior schoolchildren requires special training of teachers. Scientific, regulatory, organizational, and informational support will be necessary, taking into account the laws of learning and the principles of didactics.

Due to this, it is necessary to introduce a new system of teacher training for the formation of a holistic picture of the world of younger students, and to develop requirements for pedagogical conditions of worldview and educational activities of primary school teachers. This problem requires further research because the system of teacher training for the formation of a holistic picture of the world of younger students today will largely depend on how deep scientific knowledge about the world pupils receives in primary school, how strong the foundation will be on which the world perception, world understanding, worldview of each person will be built in their future life.


1. Kuzmenko V.V. Formation of students' scientific picture of the world (20th century): Study guide. Kherson: RIPO, 2006. 222 p.

2. Savchenko O.Ya. The educational potential of primary education: a guide for teachers and methodologists of primary education. 2nd ed., supplement., revised. Kyiv:

Bohdanova L.M., 2009. 226 p.

3. Solovei M.I., Spitsyn E.S. Basics of professional and pedagogical training of the future teacher: a study guide for students of higher pedagogical institutions of education. Kyiv: Ed. KNLU Center, 2002. 232 p




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